Search Results For: fibroid


The best natural substance a female could use to prevent or heal from eclampsia is carbon, activated charcoal. Nothing removes poison or toxins including heavy metal toxins from the body like carbon.

Uterine Sense

Wearing high heels sends an electrical shock from the metatarsal bones of the feet up the bones of the legs to the nerves of the uterus, shocks the uterus causing frying of the uterus resulting in uterine atrophy and a host of uterine pathologies.

Toxic Beauty

Breasts, buttocks, and thighs are waste reserves in the female body; not by nature but because of circumstances within the body. All that plumpness in the rear end isn’t all fat.


Hysterectomy is medically defined as surgical removal of the uterus, performed to remove fibroid tumors of the uterus or to treat chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, severe recurrent endometrial hyperplasia, uterine hemorrhage, and precancerous and cancerous conditions of the uterus. Types of hysterectomy include total hysterectomy, in which the uterus and cervix are removed and radical […]

Why Disease Is Our Friend and Ally

Many people mistakenly believe that illness is an entirely negative thing. However, on a higher level of awareness and understanding, disease is our friend simply because every disease conveys an important message. Without disease, we’d never know anything is wrong with us (especially on a deeper and inner level i.e., emotional, spiritual, ethereal, etc.). In […]

Herbal Tea

All Herbal Teas Colon Cleansing TeaConcentration Boosting TeaDiet TeaEnergy TeaFemale Discomfort Relieving TeaFibroid Support TeaImmune System Boosting TeaMen’s Health TeaMenstural Cramps & PMS Support TeaStress & Anxiety Relieving TeaParasite & Worm Cleansing TeaSugar Reducing Tea

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