If your skin is dry, then it lacks moisture. What causes this lack of moisture, though? To correct the problem, you apply moisturizer, but that doesn’t seem to relieve dry skin. It’s more likely that there are other, more surprising, causes for your dry skin. In this article, we aim to highlight some of these causes, so that you can address the problem accordingly.
Dermatologists agree that dry skin is caused by an impaired skin barrier and a deficiency or dysfunction in the healthy fats in the skin’s top layer. This outermost layer is made up of natural oils and dead cells, which trap moisture to keep the skin supple and soft. If there isn’t enough water in this layer, however, the skin dries out. The good news is that dry skin is not really a major concern, as it can happen to people of all ages at any time, on any area of the body.
Although your first thought may be to lather on the moisturizer, you may want to first get to the root of the problem. What is causing that dryness? Read on to find out.
Hard Water
If tap water has a high concentration of minerals, such as magnesium and calcium, the U.S. Geological Survey classifies that as hard water. Those minerals leave a film on the skin that dries out. Heavy metals turn the skin’s oils into a thick substance that can clog glands, which aggravates acnes and rosacea. They also make it so the skin cannot absorb moisturizers. You can invest in faucet filters or skin care products that contain vitamins A and C to help counteract the hard water problem.
Overzealous Hand-washing
Ever since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, people started washing their hands a lot more than they did before. Clean hands are great, and you should wash your hands. The problem is that constant hand-washing will not help dryness. In fact, it increases the risk of cracked or dry skin. That can be a problem if you work in an industry that requires frequent hand-washing, such as healthcare or food service. Try to use lukewarm water instead of hot water and opt for moisturizing soaps. Gently wash your hands and finish with a lotion or moisturizer.
Fragrances Cause Irritation
If you see the word “fragrance” on a lotion, soap, or other skin care product, you should avoid it. Dermatologists note that fragrances have a tendency to irritate dry skin or make it worse. Fragrances are common sources of allergens, including those that cause contact dermatitis, and endocrine disruptors. It may take a few exposures or applications before your skin reacts, or your skin may react the first time. Always check the ingredients on your skin care products, especially if you deal with dry skin.
Soap May Zap The Skin’s Moisture
A lot of soaps, shampoos, and detergents can zap the skin and scalp of moisture. These products are made to remove oil, which is not something you want if you deal with dry skin. Choose your face washes, body washes, and laundry detergents carefully. A moisturizing body wash is better than a harsh soap, so long as that body wash doesn’t have harmful fragrances. Additionally, watch out for harsh detergents and fabric softeners if you have dry skin.
Researchers note that you can inherit dry skin. Thanks a lot, parents. One study observed mutations in genes that control filaggrin, which plays a role in forming and hydrating the skin barrier. The findings indicated that people with these mutations suffer from drier skin and have a higher risk of developing eczema. If you have dealt with dry skin throughout your life, or it runs in your family, be diligent with moisturizing. Ceramides and lipids, which you can find in moisturizers, help build and strengthen the skin barrier.
Long Hot Showers Can Dehydrate The Skin
How great does it feel to stand under steaming, hot water for a long time? It’s quite relaxing, especially if the weather is colder. Standing in that hot water can cause skin issues, though. If you take long, steamy showers or baths, you can dry out the moisture in your skin. Limit your showers to no more than five minutes and try to keep the temperature lukewarm. Apply a moisturizing cream within one minute of exiting the shower because moisturizers work best on damp skin.