
Cell Salt Requirements Of Each Sign

Cell Salt Requirements Of Each Sign

Some of the biochemical experts have declared that the twelve principle cell salts found in the human body are ruled by the twelve signs of the Zodiac. They affirm that a person uses more of the cell-salt...



Signs of the same element share many basic traits in common and tend to form stable configurations and ultimately harmonious relationships. Earth Signs Practical Water Signs Emotional Air Signs Mental Fire Signs Inspirational Following is a chart...



Signs that share the same qualities share many dynamic potentials for growth as well as profound fulfillment, but are often less harmonious. Quadruplicity Basic Traits Cardinal Enterprise, Ambition Fixed Strength, Willpower Mutable Flexibility, Versatility Following is a...

Capricorn – “The Goat”

Capricorn – “The Goat”

December 23 – January 19 Cardinal (Enterprise, Ambition)Statement: “I Use!”Yin (Passive, Receptive, Withdrawn)Ruling Planet: MercuryElement: Earth GENERAL TRAITS: Pure Capricornians are predictable, plodding along on a steady course; stable, serious, independent, rocklike and cautiously confident; they are...

Sagittarius – “The Archer”

Sagittarius – “The Archer”

November 23 – December 22 Mutable Sign (Flexibility, Versatility)Statement: “I Seek!”Yang (Assertive, Bold, Expressive)Ruling Planet: JupiterElement: Fire GENERAL TRAITS: Great potential often not realized; a happy-go-lucky attitude to life and a careless indifference to the consequences of...

Scorpio – “The Scorpion”

Scorpio – “The Scorpion”

October 24 – November 22 Fixed Sign (Strength, Willpower)Statement: “I Desire!”Yin (Passive, Receptive, Withdrawn)Ruling Planet: PlutoElement: Water GENERAL TRAITS: Traditionally pure Scorpios are said to have characters of a violent and irrational nature; intense, powerful, magnetic attraction....

Libra – “The Scales”

Libra – “The Scales”

September 24 – October 23 Cardinal (Enterprise, Ambition)Statement: “I Balance”Yang (Assertive, Bold, Expressive)Ruling Planet: VenusElement: Air GENERAL TRAITS: The Libra is a person of balance and harmony; sensitive to the needs of others; even-tempered; insatiably curious; easily...

Virgo – “The Virgin/Maiden”

Virgo – “The Virgin/Maiden”

August 22 – September 23 Mutable Sign (Flexibility, Versatility)Statement: “I Analyze!”Yin (Passive, Receptive, Withdrawn)Ruling Planet: MercuryElement: Earth GENERAL TRAITS: The pure Virgo insists on common sense, practical intelligence and a perfectionist’s approach; loves refinement, cleanliness and order;...

Leo – “The Lion”

Leo – “The Lion”

July 21 – August 21 Fixed Sign (Strength, Willpower)Statement: “I Shine!”Yang (Assertive, Bold, Expressive)Ruling Planet: SunElement: Fire GENERAL: The pure Leo has a commanding personality and stands out from the crowd. Personal magnetism. A leader always seeking...

Cancer – “The Crab”

Cancer – “The Crab”

June 23 – July 23 Cardinal Sign (Enterprise, Ambition)Statement: “I Feel!”Yin (Passive, Receptive, Withdrawn)Ruling Planet: MoonElement: Water GENERAL: The nature of the pure Cancerian is akin to the nature of the crab: the hard outer shell conceals...

Taurus – “The Bull”

Taurus – “The Bull”

April 21 – May 21 Fixed Sign (Strength, Will-power)Statement: “I Have!”Yin (Passive, Receptive, Withdrawn)Ruling Planet: VenusElement: Earth GENERAL: The purest Taurean tends to be “earthy,” slow but sure. Sometimes awkward, clumsy but also dignified. Good looking, strong...

Aries – “The Ram”

Aries – “The Ram”

March 21 – April 20 Cardinal sign (Enterprise, Ambition)Statement: “I Am!”Yang (Assertive, bold, expressive)Ruling Planet: MarsElement: Fire GENERAL: This personality has all the virtues and vices traditionally associated with “masculinity.” Adventurous, ambitious, impulsive, enthusiastic, energetic. Open to...

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