The liver has a number of jobs in the body. It is the largest gland and organ in the body, and it belongs to the digestive system. The liver helps with the body’s detoxification process, protein synthesis, and it produces chemicals that we need to properly digest food. If you have a lot of toxins in your liver, however, it may have trouble functioning.
A liver that is filled with toxins can make losing weight more difficult, and it can also impair healthy digestion. Even though people may be trying to lose weight, their efforts may be for nothing if the liver is unhealthy. The primary reason for an unhealthy liver is a poor diet, in addition to excessive alcohol intake.
There are several ways to support liver health. You can participate in a liver cleanse, start eating more plant-based foods, or you can use this juice to cleanse your liver. If you want to lose weight and cleanse your liver, you’ll need the following ingredients:
- The juice from 3 organic lemons
- 5 organic celery stalks
- 1 cup fresh organic parsley
- 6 cups distilled water
Take the juice of 3 lemons, celery stalks, and parsley and pulse them in a blender until smooth. Pour the water in the blender and pulse again. Drink 2 glasses of this 3 times a day before each meal. Repeat for the next 2 days. It is beneficial to avoid processed foods, meat, dairy products, caffeine, and added sugars during these 3 days.
After the 3 days is over, you can take a break for a week and repeat the 3-day process again. Let us know how this works out for you.