Gluten Intolerance: Celiac’s Disease

Gluten Intolerance: Celiac’s Disease

Celiac Disease, gluten intolerance and gluten sensitivity are more and more common in America today.

Gluten is the sticky, insoluble protein constituent of wheat and other grains, which is obtained from flour by washing out the starch. It is commonly used as an adhesive agent, giving to dough its tough, elastic character.

Clearly grains are a highly processed so-called food on the market today and eaten by a lot of people. Many grains naturally contain starch, but the unnatural processing of the grain converts the starch into gluten.

When a person has an intolerance to gluten, it means they have eaten too much of it to the point where the body now rebels. This is the purpose of allergies. Allergies are sensors, warning lights. It means the body is exposed to more of something than it can handle.

Where is gluten in our food?

Gluten is everywhere! Knowing how to read nutritional panels is key to avoiding gluten in the diet. Gluten-containing grains and products include:

  • Wheat
  • Rye
  • Barley
  • Oats
  • Sweet rice
  • Triticale
  • Kamut (Egyptian wheat)
  • pasta
  • falafel.

Wheat (including whole wheat) is the highest gluten-containing grain on the market. Variations of wheat include Graham (i.e. Graham crackers), Semolina, Farina (cream of wheat), and noodles (Cup of Noodles/Top Ramen), etc.

Gluten-Free Whole Grains

Before completely doing away with all grains, try eating gluten-free whole grains such as:

  • Amaranth
  • Buckwheat
  • Quinoa
  • Teff
  • Millet
  • Fendo
  • Injra (Ethipian Teff)
  • Tapiaca
  • Rice (brown and/or wild)
  • Corn. Make sure that corn is not genetically modified.

However, if you notice adverse reactions (i.e. skin eruptions, itchy skin, foul smelling, floating stools, etc.) from eating the non-gluten containing grains, stop eating them immediately.

Most of your non-gluten grains are high in starch so if you are attempting to avoid starch then you need to abstain from eating these non-gluten containing grains supra which have a high starch content. Starch converts into harmful CARBONIC ACID once inside the body. Carbonic acid can even penetrate cement.

In order to be healthy you must eat, live, and think healthy. There are no shortcuts to optimal health.

Gluten and Children

For those individuals who have little babies and children experiencing severe cases of eczema, remove all grains from your child’s diet. A child should not be given grains for the first two years of life because grains are too hard on a newborn’s and young child’s digestive tract.

Rice (brown and wild) and corn are the best options as far as wheat or grain alternatives go.

Thank you for reading!



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