
Know The Signs Of These Common Nutritional Deficiencies

Know The Signs Of These Common Nutritional Deficiencies

It is common knowledge that vitamins and minerals are necessary to keep the body healthy, at least we hope so. A well-balanced diet is the most optimal way to satisfy your recommend daily intake (RDI) of nutrients, but the average person does not obtain nutrients via their diet. Nutritional deficiencies are real, despite the fact that people think they are a thing of the past. Tell that to your body when it is trying to communicate to you, via brittle nails for instance, that you are deficient in biotin.

Vitamins and minerals influence everything from healthy enzyme function and nerve signaling to efficient metabolism and proper digestion. When you fail to regularly supply the body with nutrients, healthy growth, development, and bodily functions are impaired. While symptoms may start out small, consistent neglect of specific nutrients can lead to a plethora of diseases, including anemia from inadequate iron intake to osteopenia or osteoporosis from low vitamin D and calcium levels.

This article is intended to illustrate the connection between inadequate diet and the resulting pathology. The body always alerts you if something is awry by way of a physical symptom. It’s your job to pay attention to the symptom(s) and ascertain what needs to be done to resolve the issue. You’ll find common signs of vitamin and mineral deficiencies below.

Dandruff & Scaly Patches

Dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis both involve itchy, flaky skin. While dandruff is typically limited to the scalp, seborrheic dermatitis can occur in the armpits, groin, upper face, chest, and other oil-producing areas of the body. Recent studies have found that both of these conditions may be the result of poor dieting, and low amounts of zinc, niacin, riboflavin, and pyridoxine in the blood. Foods that are rich in niacin and riboflavin include green vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, and starchy vegetables. You can click here for great sources of zinc.

Pain In Bones

Most adults do not satisfy their RDI of vitamin D, which is about 600IU and 800IU for people over age 71. As a result of low vitamin D levels, you may experience weakened bones and feel lethargic as a result. Some adults even compare symptoms of vitamin D deficiency to growing pains, like you had as a kid. While foods that are fortified with vitamin D exist, step outside in the sun to soak up some natural vitamin D for at least 15 minutes a day. You can also eat a variety of mushrooms, which are the best plant-based vitamin D sources. Solely eating calcium-rich foods will not strengthen bones because calcium and vitamin D work together to optimize bone health.

Brittle Hair & Nails

Nails and hair can become brittle as a result of low biotin levels in the body. Also known as vitamin B7, biotin works to convert food into energy. While being deficient in biotin is rare, thinning or splitting hair or brittle nails can occur as a result. Pregnant women, heavy smokers, or people with Crohn’s disease or leaky gut syndrome are more prone to biotin deficiency. If you experience brittle nails or hair, consider ingesting about 30 micrograms of biotin per day. Foods that are rich in biotin include cauliflower, sweet potatoes, nuts, seeds, spinach, broccoli, whole grains, and bananas.

Vision At Night Declines

The body needs vitamin A to produce rhodopsin, which is a pigment in the retinas that helps you see clearly at night. The longer this goes untreated, the more susceptible a person is to developing night blindness or even xerophthalmia, which can damage the cornea and lead to total blindness. If you notice that your vision is changing at night, start adding more vitamin A-rich foods to your diet. These foods include mangos, black-eyed peas, sweet potatoes, apricots, dark leafy greens, carrots, and any other yellow-orange produce items.

Bleeding Gums

A common cause of bleeding gums is brushing too roughly, but a diet that is low in vitamin C can also be the reason. If wounds are taking longer to heal and the gums are bleeding, add more vitamin C to your diet because it works to promote wound healing and helps prevent cell damage. Because the human body cannot make vitamin C on its own, it must be obtained in adequate amounts through dietary sources. People who do not consume fresh fruits and vegetables are commonly deficient in vitamin C. You can obtain vitamin C by eating citrus fruits, kiwis, bell peppers, papayas, berries, cantaloupe, kale, and tomatoes.

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