Let’s Taco ’Bout These Tasty Taco Creations

Let’s Taco ’Bout These Tasty Taco Creations

Tacos may quite possibly be one of the best culinary creations to ever grace the world. They are so simple, yet so delicious. We can’t even come close to expressing our love for tacos, especially the recipes you can eat while cleansing. Yes, you read that correctly. You can make tacos while cleansing, so long as you only using cleanse-approved ingredients. You just need to ensure that your spice cabinet is fully stocked.

There are a few different vessels that you can use to replace the tortilla. We recommend using romaine leaves because they are crunchy and can support a lot of ingredients. The other option is to use collard leaves because they do not tear easily; just make sure to remove the thick stem on the bottom of each leaf.

One thing to keep in mind about these raw taco recipes is that they all have seeds or nuts, which contain high amounts of fats. You should absolutely treat yourself to at least one or more of these recipes, but not every day. Make sure to rotate salads or smoothies into your daily diet to keep your consumption of fats to a minimum. That’s about all you need to know! Try the following recipes while cleansing and let us know how you like them in the comments below.

Raw Vegan Nut-Free Taco Meat


Whether you have a hankering for some raw tacos or need a quick, energizing pre-workout snack, this is the recipe that you need.

Click here to make the recipe.

Baby Collard Tacos


Here is another raw taco recipe to add to your raw food recipe arsenal. You are going to wonder where this has been your whole cleanse!

Click here to make the recipe.

Raw Marinated Mushroom “Meat” Tacos


Get a healthy dose of vitamin D when you make these mushroom tacos for dinner. You’ll be so content and you won’t believe it isn’t meat!

Click here to make the recipe.

Raw Lettuce Tacos With “Chorizo” And Salsa


If you are on the cleanse or eating a raw food diet, this is the recipe for you! See how creative you can get with these flavorful raw tacos.

Click here to make the recipe.



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