A.D. Dolphin, CEO of Dherbs Inc., appeared on The Steve Harvey Show on Tuesday, June 6th, 2017. While A.D. was on the show, Steve Harvey brought out a special someone who wanted to show A.D. how the 20-Day Full Body Cleanse changed her life. Myra Burnett is a San Diego resident who participated in back to back 20-Day Full Body Cleanses. Do you want to know what her results were? Tune in to the show to see her dramatic change.
The Full Body Cleanse can truly transform your life. If your goal is to completely cleanse your system of toxins and waste, while losing 10-30lbs in the process, the Full Body Cleanse can help you achieve those goals. Leave old habits behind and start on your path to a healthier version of yourself, which is exactly what Myra did. Completely change your health for the better in 20 days.
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Facebook: @SteveHarveytv
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Photo Credit: NBC