Recipe: Drink This For 3 Days And Then Look At Your Scale

Recipe: Drink This For 3 Days And Then Look At Your Scale

Have you been attempting to lose weight, but have yet to have success? Well, this is a challenge that is going out to those who think that they can’t lose weight any more. You are going to think that this method sounds foolish, but you will see the numbers reflect your efforts when you get on the scale.

Disclaimer: Don’t eat badly while you are doing this challenge because it will negate your efforts. Try to only eat plant-based foods like legumes, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts & seeds.

All you have to do is drink this cleansing water for three days, three times a day. Not only does this drink promote weight loss, but it also promotes healthy detoxification. This is due to the star player in this detox water: apple cider vinegar. That’s right, ACV. Apple cider vinegar helps to alkalize the body, and an alkalized body makes weight loss a whole lot easier.

Apple cider vinegar also contains a compound called pectin, which helps to suppress the appetite and reduce cravings. Not only does pectin help with this, but it may also help to promote stable blood glucose levels. This is good news for those who have diabetes. It stabilizes glucose levels by slowing digestion, ultimately delaying the rate at which the stomach empties food. This helps to slow down the release of carbs from a meal.

The lemon oil, which can be substituted with freshly squeezed lemon juice, in this drink helps to naturally flush toxins from the body. It also helps to fight free radicals in the body and nourish cells in the body.

Before you accept this challenge, weigh yourself prior to starting. Take a before picture with form-fitting clothes and then take a picture with form-fitting clothes after the three days are over. Post on social media and tag us. We want to know how this worked for you.


  • 4 cups of water
  • 2 teaspoons raw apple cider vinegar
  • ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1-2 drops lemon essential oil (or juice of half a lemon)
  • 1-2 tablespoons agave (optional, but recommended)


  • Pour all of the ingredients into a pitcher and mix well. It is recommended to use room temperature water. Some people cannot handle the apple cider vinegar, so use less the first day and increase it to the listed amount over the next two days.
  • Drink one cup of this mixture three times a day, for three consecutive days.



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