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No has ever died from AIDS in and of itself. Facts show Acquired Immune Deficiency is the biggest medical hoax ever. Acquiring another person’s immune deficiency is like acquiring another person’s blindness, appendicitis, or inflamed liver.

Cancer: Causes and Remedies

Cancer: Causes and Remedies

Parasites may be implicated and involved in cancer as parasites can greatly survive in anaerobic environments. These therapies are big in Europe where they are also legal unlike here in the United States.



Categories of diabetes were conveniently and strategically created by the National Diabetes Data Group of the National Institute of Health. When you see or have the word institute, you should see the connection to the word institution.

Thyroid Gland

Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland responds to the color blue and violet. The chief mineral for the thyroid gland is iodine. Lack of iodine plays a major role in the development of these diseases or pathologies.



Toxins are first attacked by the liver. The liver does a great job of fighting toxicity until it gets overwhelmed and allows less toxic substances to slip through into the body via the blood while it fights the most deadly toxins.

The Truth About Healing

The Truth About Healing

No one can heal you but God and yourself. Your and my body was constructed and designed to naturally and automatically heal from any disease or injury no matter how insidious the disease or injury may be.

Everything Will Be Okay!

Everything Will Be Okay!

Regardless of what has just occurred or is going on in your life at present, everything that happens in your life happens for a reason and happens for the best or your greater good.

Disease Control

Disease Control

Diseases are only incurable under the Western allopathic approach to medicine. Never settle for having a disease under control. Always seek to heal from and cure the disease. Diseases are used to control the minds of people.

Epilepsy (Seizures)

Epilepsy (Seizures)

Epilepsy can be healed. Best remedies for epilepsy. Dietary recommendations and products that aid in the prevention and healing of seizures. Herbs great for healing epilepsy increase and enhance oxygen flow throughout the body.

Why Pets Get Sick

Why Pets Get Sick

The strange thing is, cat and dog food manufacturers put more synthetic nutrients in cat and dog food than human food manufacturers put in so-called human food.

Attention-Deficit Disorder

Attention-Deficit Disorder

Students who are alive, energetic, and imaginative are dubbed problem students. If you get their attention, they will be still, quiet, and fully alert for learning purposes. You don’t have to drug them down or dull their senses with drugs.

Alkaline Water

Alkaline Water

Starches break down into carbonic acid, making its way into joints. Lactic acid from the brake down of the dairy products consumed.

CURE: The Verboten Word

CURE: The Verboten Word

I have helped hundreds upon hundreds of people to heal themselves from a plethora of diseases including so-called incurable diseases. Many have told me they were cured, and showed me medical printouts bearing witness.



You can use cornstarch or arrowroot powder to sprinkle on the skin to help soothe the irritated skin; or, you can use cool aloe vera gel on the skin. Calendula cream orgel may also provide relief of the itching.


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