Dèjà vu is a paranormal term that when translated from French, basically means “already seen“. The phrase is defined in common dictionaries as: “A feeling of having already experienced the present situation.” There are more than 40 theories as to how or why dèjà vu happens, but none are generally accepted as THE theory behind it.
Experiencing dèjà vu lets us know that we have been here (on Earth) before as well as being in similar circumstances or experiences before as well as having met certain people (souls) before. Dèjà vu relates to people, places, and events.
Sylvia Browne states the following pertaining to dèjà vu:” … and what each of us is experiencing when we feel intense familiarity with an unfamiliar place, is our spirit’s memories of a past life. We absolutely have been to that supposedly strange place before; it was just in another body, in another time. And when the spirit memories buried in the subconscious are stirred so deeply by sights from a whole other incarnation that those memories emerge into the conscious mind, that “unexplainable familiarity” kind of dèjà vu is created – more accurately, powerful, miraculous glimpse into the eternity of our souls.” Phenomenon, pg. 91
Basically, when we have a dèjà vu experience, we are piercing a dimension that allows us to look back into our past lives. Our past life’s memories are recorded though most of us cannot remember our past lives. But the memories are there, existing right before us on a plane that we can easily tap into with practice.
Dèjà vu applies to people as well. You will meet people whom you’ve never met before in this present lifetime but will experience a feeling of having met the person before and/or knowing the person for a very long time. You may feel that you met the person before in this present life but it’s not from the present life your feeling of familiarity stems from, but from past or previous lives.
The more familiar you are with a person (soul) the more passion there is. This is why many strangers (friends who’ve forgotten their past life connections and relationships) can meet and experience a strong burning desire and connection and hook up in a relationship and immediately experience a strong and burning passion and chemistry together. They are merely picking up in this life where the left off in a past life and for purposes of completion of soul lessons of course. Everything means something or has a reason and purpose behind it. What we don’t learn in a past life, we will be presented with opportunities in the present life and/or subsequent life or lives to learn those unlearned lessons. These lessons are considered ‘karmic lessons.’
We’ve been here on earth many times before and in different garments (bodies) and many of us will be back many more times until we finally learn the lessons and are able to ascend or decide to come back to Earth as a spirit guide.
Dèjà vu can sometimes be confused with hallucinations brought on by illness or drugs. Others believe that false memories triggered by mental disorders are confused with dèjà vu. It is thought that the typical dèjà vu experience can last up to one minute, where hallucinations can continue for hours, days or even longer.
This article is compliments of Dherbs.Com.