

Eczema is a form of dermatitis, or inflammation. Another name for eczema is atopic dermatitis. Eczema is a broad term that refers to several persistent skin conditions including dryness and reoccurring skin rashes.

There are four common types of eczemas:

  • Atopic eczema, which is an allergic disease generally found in young children.
  • Contact dermatitis, which can be caused by an allergen or an irritant.
  • Xerotic eczema, which is a condition where very dry skin becomes so serious it becomes eczema. This is most common in colder months.
  • Seborrhoeic dermatitis, which is closely related to dandruff and causes peeling of the scalp, eyebrows, and face.


Eczema doesn’t have just one cause. There are many factors that affect eczema. Some of the most common reasons for eczema are:

  • Genetic factors
  • Allergies
  • Contact with skin irritants
  • Diet
  • Weather

The most common and frequently encountered allergen that causes the contact dermatitis form of eczema is poison ivy. Poison ivy is a plant that many people happen to be allergic to. When the skin comes in contact with the allergen, a rash occurs.

Nickel also is an allergen that can result in contact dermatitis. The most common cause of this is jewelry. Many brands of jewelry, especially earrings, contain nickel. If you notice a reaction from wearing a certain piece of jewelry, discontinue wearing it and try to find a piece that does not contain nickel. Gold is a safer option.

Three quarters of all eczema cases are linked to irritant exposure. That means something our skin is coming in contact with is causing the eczema. Contact eczema is curable as long as the substance that is causing the irritation is identified and avoided. Some common irritants include:

  • Fragrance in beauty products
  • Laundry detergents
  • Animal dander
  • Cleaning products
  • Soaps

Certain foods have been thought to trigger eczema as well. Two of the most common culprits are dairy and wheat products. Many people happen to be allergic to these foods and the result can be eczema.

Wheat is found in most breads, cookies, pastas, cakes, crackers, pretzels, and snack foods. It is usually the gluten in wheat that causes the allergy. Allergy to gluten is a digestive disease called Celiac Disease. People who have Celiac Disease should steer away from products containing wheat gluten. This will help to alleviate any eczema or digestive issues that have resulted. Today, there are many great gluten- free products widely available at your local grocery store.

Dairy is a common trigger of allergy as well. Dairy is found in milk, ice cream, cheeses, and yogurt. Dairy intolerance is known as Lactose intolerance. Lactose is the sugar found in cow’s milk. This allergy can cause many digestive issues and can come out in the skin as eczema. Avoiding dairy and switching to dairy- free alternatives of these foods will help to alleviate the problem.

Other less common food triggers of eczema include:

  • Seafood
  • Corn
  • Nuts
  • Soy Products
  • Eggs

By finding out what triggers affect your eczema, you can learn to control it.

Healing Eczema Naturally

Avoiding skin irritants and changing your diet can be the two simplest ways to control your eczema. Cleansing the body with proper foods is a great way to start. Start by eating more raw, unprocessed foods. Dark colored vegetables are high in vitamins and minerals and will help to detoxify your body.

Find out your triggers and learn to eliminate them from your life. This will alleviate your eczema and help you to heal.

Dherbs Solutions

Dherbs recommends several products that will assist you in detoxifying your body and helping with your eczema. Some great products to try are:

Thank you for reading!

This article is compliments of www.Dherbs.Com.

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