

According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, osteoporosis causes 1.5 million fractures in general, over 300,000 hip fractures, over 700,000 vertebral fractures, and over 250,000 wrist fractures each year in the United States. Osteoporosis accounts for 70% of all fractures of people over 45 years of age in the U.S.

Causes and Risk Factors

Osteoporosis is considered a degenerative disease that causes bones to become weak or brittle. It’s a natural occurrence with aging, when bone loss outpaces bone renewal.

There are two types of risk factors associated with osteoporosis: changeable and unchangeable.

Unchangeable risk factors are:

  • Gender-women are at higher risk of developing osteoporosis than men
  • Age-the older you get, the greater the risk
  • Ethnicity-Caucasians tend to experience osteoporosis more frequently
  • Family history
  • Body frame-petite people tend to experience osteoporosis more often than people with medium or large frames
  • Early menopause-women who go through early menopause are at higher risk

Changeable risk factors are:

  • Hormone levels-imbalanced hormones or other glandular problems can contribute to the development of osteoporosis
  • Thyroid problems-too much thyroid hormone can accelerate bone loss
  • Dietary imbalance such as too little calcium in the diet, eating disorders or weight-loss surgery
  • Steroids or other medications that leech calcium from the bones
  • Lifestyle-people who sit too much are at higher risk
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Tobacco use


Common symptoms of osteoporosis are:

  • Back pain
  • Frequent bone fractures
  • Bone fractures that happen too easily
  • Collapsed vertebrae
  • Loss of height
  • Stooped posture

Healing Options

Consume mostly organic, raw, live foods – fruits and vegetables, but especially green leafy cruciferous vegetables. Green foods (broccoli, parsley, spinach, alfalfa, dandelion, etc.) are usually high in organic calcium and usually contain more Vitamin C than some citrus fruits.

Drink plenty of vegetable juice daily as vegetable juice is alkalizing and many vegetables contain moderate to high amounts of calcium and thus are great for reversing bone density conditions such as osteoporosis.

Eliminate consumption of commercial brands of orange juice, i.e. Minute Maid, Sunkist, Florida Natural, etc. Fresh squeezed (which may cost more) is best. An orange is acidic in nature, but it is alkaline! Oranges, limes, and lemons are acidic in nature, but are not acid forming.

Eliminate consumption of antacids. Use herbs and/or herbal products to neutralize acid without any adverse side effects. Remember that your green foods (including herbs) are very alkalizing, too.

Great calcium-providing herbs include Comfrey root and leaves, Moringa (whole plant), Oat straw, Horsetail, Alfalfa and Red Raspberry Leaf to name a few.

When you bathe or soak, add 1-2 boxes (26-52 ounces) of sea salt to the bath water as sea salt makes bath water alkaline and in turn this helps the overall health and well being of the bones. It also helps to dissolve hardened lactic acid, which is responsible for stiffness in the body.

Dietary Intervention

The human body requires organic nutrition. The body can only assimilate and absorb that which is organic. That’s why plants are the best source of nutrition for human beings, including calcium. It’s a mistake to rely only on processed foods and dairy products as sources of nutritional calcium.

Again, the right kind of calcium is CALCIUM PHOSPHATE (derived from plant sources) and not calcium carbonate, calcium lactate, calcium citrate, or calcium gluconate.

Consuming the right kind of nutrients (i.e. nutrients that the body can absorb and assimilate, not just digest) is very important. You must make sure you’re getting organic nutrients.

Dherbs Solutions

Dherbs.com products that can assist in naturally healing osteoporosis (and bone loss) include:

This article is compliments of Dherbs.com.

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