
Pineal Gland Mystique

The pineal gland is a cone-shaped structure in the center of the brain, situated between the superior colliculi, the pulvinar, and the splenium of the corpus callosum. It produces melatonin, which regulates sleep/wake cycles.

In conjunction with the adrenal glands, the Pineal Gland effects skin pigmentation, helps regulate potassium and sodium levels in the body, controls one’s mental stability, and controls mental and sexual growth. It is often referred to as the Seat of the Soul.

This gland alone links the physical body with the Other Side or unseen realm of existence. The pineal gland is the seat of the mystical 3rd eye that you hear so much about in occult and metaphysical teachings and circles. While we see physically with the two physical eyes, we see spiritually with the 3rd eye, located directly in the middle of the physical eyes. The 3rd eye is our spiritual eye and just as the physical eyes can suffer, so can our spiritual eyesight.

Our spiritual eye is referred to as our 3rd eye. The 3rd eye is the site of our sixth and seventh energy centers known as chakras. The 3rd eye via the Pineal Gland controls the attributes and functions of the 6th chakra (Ajna in Sanskrit), which include: clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, telepathy, ESP (extra sensory perception), intuition, and Christ consciousness (or Cosmic consciousness).

The 3rd eye via the Pineal Gland also controls the attributes and functions of the 7th chakra (called Sahasrara in Sanskrit), which include: linkage with the Higher Self, astral projection and astral travel, and ascension to the Akashic Records. The Soul leaves the body via the 7th Chakra during death (transitioning) and dreaming (lower astral realm).

The Pineal Gland is the seat of consciousness but is also, again, the exit for the Soul from the body during sleep and death (transitioning). If the Soul leaving the body via the Pineal Gland (or Crown Chakra) is temporary, you have dreaming or OBE (out-of-body experience).

If the soul leaving the body via the Pineal Gland is permanent, you have what is called death.

Dietary influence

Here are some things you should avoid if you want to prevent calcification and degeneration of the Pineal Gland:

  • Meat (all kinds)
  • Dairy products (all kinds)
  • Refined Grains
  • Refined Starches
  • Eggs
  • Sugar
  • Synthetic sweeteners Salt Acidic beverages (soda pop)
  • Beer/wine/alcohol
  • Cigarettes (Tobacco)
  • Pharmaceutical drugs Illicit drugs (crack cocaine, cocaine, heroin, etc.)
  • Antidepressants
  • Marijuana
  • Energy drinks
  • White frosted light bulbs
  • Negative television programming, i.e. violent reality shows, the news, etc.

Individual herbs that help to decalcify and stimulate the Pineal Gland include Wood Betony, Gotu Kola, Parsley, Alfalfa, and Mugwort. The best herb for the maintenance and repair of the Pineal Gland hands down is Gotu Kola.

Melatonin Supplements

Beware of Melatonin supplements. Make sure the product’s ingredients are plant-based and not animal based, i.e. cow (bovine) pineal gland. Animal hormones do not act the same way in human body’s.

If you’re taking Melatonin to aid you in sleep, consider some of Nature’s herbs such as Kava Kava, Jatamansi, Lavender Flower, Valerian Root, Skullcap, Catnip, Wild Lettuce and/or Passionflower instead of Melatonin.

Emotional influence

Low Serotonin levels counts for a major reason why there is so much depression in Westerners today, especially in the United States, and especially amongst Black or African-American people, and especially during the Winter season when there is shortened daylight hours.

Seasonal depression (also known as SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder) due to lack of sunlight can be helped with the use of full spectrum lighting (full spectrum light bulbs) which are available at good health food stores like Whole Foods Market and health companies such as Gaia.Com.

Symptoms of SAD include: limiting social contact, depression, loss of energy, decreased interest in sex, weight gain, over sleeping and withdrawal. SAD usually occurs in the winter when there is less sunlight (Ra).

Physical influence

Under active Pineal Gland is caused by consumption of things that contain synthetic hormones that adversely affect all glands of the endocrine system including the Pineal Gland. Consuming meat and dairy products will adversely affect the endocrine system in general, and the Pineal Gland in particular and thus impair one’s spirituality and cosmic clarity (awareness).

The skin pigmentation disorder ‘vitiligo’ is also related to the pineal gland, a defect of the pineal gland. When the Pineal Gland is underactive, defects such as vitiligo can occur.


Attaching a magnet (that sticks by adhesive) to the part of your skin above your 3rd eye (located between your two physical eyes but slightly higher or slightly above the eyes) for a few hours throughout the day will also stimulate the Pineal Gland and help to decalcify it.

Magnets causes the body to become alkaline, especially that part of the body where the magnet is attached. Any strength (gauss) magnet will work, but only use magnets on the head area during waking hours. The energy from Ra (Sun) will magnify the strength of the magnet’s effect on the Pineal Gland.

Essential Oils

Essentials oils can be used to help stimulate the Pineal Gland and facilitate states of spiritual awareness, meditation, astral projection, etc.

Good essential oils for Pineal Gland purposes include: Sandalwood, Frankincense, Parsley, Davana, Pine, Pink Lotus, and Mugwort (excess use has a neurotoxin effect if inhaled directly).

Essential oils can be inhaled directly, burned in a diffuser or nebulizer, and added to bath water.

Hormonal Influence

The Pineal Gland is known for its mystical hormonal secretions, most of which prevent aging or premature aging. One of these mystical secretions is a substance called melanin.

Our bodies secrete a beneficial anti-aging hormone called Melatonin at night. Melatonin is also secreted from the Pineal Gland, the gland that corresponds to the Sixth and Seventh chakras, our psychic and spiritual centers respectively. Melatonin has marked diurnal rhythm.

Melatonin causes drowsiness. When it becomes dark (Sun sets), the Pineal Gland begins to secrete Melatonin and the Melatonin makes us drowsy so that we can fall asleep.

Spiritual influence

The Pineal Gland is the seat of divine/spiritual wisdom. The ancient people of Kemet (Egypt) always wore crowns that featured a snake or serpent protruding from the 3rd eye area of the crown. To the ancient people of Kemet, snakes denoted wisdom. That’s why in the Bible you are admonished to “be wise as serpents.” Matthew 10:16


Crystals that benefit the Pineal Gland include: Amethyst (wand), Laser Quartz (wand), Moonstone, Pietersite, Purple Sapphire, Purple Violet Tourmaline, Rhodonite, Rose Aura, and Sodalite. However, any indigo, violet, or dark purple gemstone or crystal can be used to stimulate the Pineal Gland and open/balance/align the 6th and 7th Chakras.

Placed directly on the 3rd eye or brow chakra for 15-30 minutes a day or every other day will help to open/balance/align the 3rd Eye (Brow) chakra and prevent/remove calcification of the gland.

The best exercise for Pineal Gland stimulation and health is to take an amethyst obelisk crystal or an amethyst wand, point it at the 3rd eye (point of the wand should touch your skin) and look up directly at the Sun with your eyes closed. Do this everyday or whenever you feel like it for about 5-10 minutes. The Sun’s rays will penetrate through the base part of the obelisk or the end part of an amethyst wand and beam directly into the Pineal Gland stimulating it. You can also use the Laser Quartz (wand) as well. Quartz crystal benefits every single chakra.


Chanting causes the tetrahedron bone in the nose to resonate and this resonance causes the Pineal Gland to be stimulated and when it is stimulated it secretes more beneficial hormones, and remember: these beneficial hormones keep your appearance youthful.

The sound “OM” resonates with the Fourth Chakra, known as the Heart Center, the seat of Unconditional Love.

Chanting OM opens you up to Universal and cosmic awareness. You can chant up to 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or however long you desire to. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

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