
Healing Crisis

A healing crisis can be broken down into two parts: healing and crisis. Healing is said to be the restoring or regaining of health. A crisis is a crucial turning point from disease or deterioration to improvement or health.

Anytime the body is cleansed, a healing crisis occurs. Detoxing the body takes us from an unhealthy state to a state of balance and soundness.

Why We Need to Detox

When you feed our bodies unhealthy, refined foods, it becomes sick. Foods that can contribute to an unhealthy body include:

  • Meats
  • Dairy
  • Refined foods
  • Refined Sugar
  • Alcohol

Refined and processed foods tend to contain added hormones and synthetic ingredients that are unhealthy to the body. Too much of these foods will result in a sickened body.

The common American diet is based heavily on these types on foods. Less emphasis is put on fruits, vegetables and whole foods. Whole, natural foods help create health in the body and can fight sickness.

In addition to poor diet, lifestyle choices we make can affect our health. Drug use and pollution in our environment can adversely affect our health.

Natural Healing

Natural healing in the body occurs when we detox or cleanse. When this healing crisis occurs, the body transforms into a state of health.

Begin by completely detoxifying the body. Eliminate all refined and processed foods. Add more raw foods including fruits and vegetables. Green vegetables are highly nutritious and help to cleanse the blood. Some highly nutritious green vegetables to add to your diet are:

  • Spinach
  • Artichoke
  • Celery
  • Kale
  • Broccoli

Try juicing these vegetables into a refreshing, healthy drink. The health benefits from green foods will help to transform your body back to health.

Avoid taking any synthetic drugs. Look for natural substitutes instead. Herbs can be very healing for the body. Look for health herbs to help rebalance the body during your healing crisis.

Dherbs Solutions

When going through a healing crisis, the body is restoring itself from a state of chaos. In addition to a healthy, plant based diet, Dherbs recommends several products to help restore your health:

Remember that a healing crisis takes time. Your body didn’t become damaged and sickened overnight so it will take time to restore health. Be patient and remember that restoring health is the first step in transforming your body and life.

Thank you for reading!

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