
Idiopathic Diseases

Idiopathic Diseases

Idiopathic disease is a disease that develops without apparent or known cause, although it may have a recognizable pattern of signs and symptoms and may be curable. People can save a lot of money if they would just learn to live, think, and eat right.



The best natural substance a female could use to prevent or heal from eclampsia is carbon, activated charcoal. Nothing removes poison or toxins including heavy metal toxins from the body like carbon.

Healing Crisis

Healing Crisis

Basically, anytime healing occurs or takes place or when your body is restoring or regaining health and soundness, a crisis takes place. A sudden change in your diseased state takes place.

Cancer: Causes and Remedies

Cancer: Causes and Remedies

Parasites may be implicated and involved in cancer as parasites can greatly survive in anaerobic environments. These therapies are big in Europe where they are also legal unlike here in the United States.

Beetle Juice

Beetle Juice

Unbeknownst to many individuals, when they drink certain beverages that have a reddish or dark orange tint to it, chances are they are drinking beetle or bug juice.


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