
Beware of Protein Health Bars

Beware of Protein Health Bars

A majority of protein bars that have been popping up over the past ten years and making their way into local gyms and health food stores and even commercial super markets are crap. A few exceptions do exist. Beware of protein bars, especially those made from whey, a dairy product. Listed are a few natural sources of protein.



Do not confuse Ephedra with Ephedrine, which most people did and do due to blindly trusting the media. To do the above would be tantamount to confusing Coca with Cocaine. Cocaine is an alkaloid in the Coca leaf just as ephedrine is an alkaloid in ephedra.

Therapeutic Herbal Glossary

Therapeutic Herbal Glossary

Abortifacient: An herb used to induce or cause abortion or spontaneous abortion. Absorbent: An herb used to produce absorption of exudes or diseased tissues. Adaptogen: An herb that help normalize body chemistry and increase resistance to stress....

Can Herbal Formulas Be Taken Together?

Can Herbal Formulas Be Taken Together?

Herbs are food, not drugs. You cannot experience a fatal overdose by combining them. Though there is a science to combining herbs as some herbs have a function or activity that cancel out the function of other herbs. Learn the property of herbs so you’ll know how to properly combine herbs them.

Herb – How Is It Pronounced?

Herb – How Is It Pronounced?

Herb pronounced as urb is only pronounced this way in the United States; but in other parts of the world, people pronounce the word as herb, as in Herbert. So while it may be correct to pronounce herb with a silent H in the United States, it still doesn’t make the pronunciation right or correct.

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