
Poisonous Herbs

Poisonous Herbs

There are several poisonous herbs but they are not readily accessible in stores. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, herbs are not fatal. Controversies Many herbs are banned as toxic or poisonous for political reasons. Some are banned because of...

Reversal As Cure

Reversal As Cure

Dherbs has written this article in response to emails requesting information or products that offer herbal “cures.” Herbs are supplements – not cures. They cannot replace effort, commitment and dedication to a healthy lifestyle. Dherbs cures no...



Vitiligo is a condition that causes pigment to be lost in the skin. Pigment in the skin is produced by cells called melanocytes and when the cells die or lose the ability to function properly, Vitiligo can...

Birth Control: Wild Yam vs. Pennyroyal

Birth Control: Wild Yam vs. Pennyroyal

Wild Yam Root is the most effective herb available today for natural birth control, effective and reliable. Small doses, Wild Yam aids in miscarriage prevention. Large does it will serve as an abortafcaient. Pennyroyal is very effective for PMS and menstrual problems.

Beware The New Childhood Vaccine Agenda

Beware The New Childhood Vaccine Agenda

The criminal pharmaceutical drug industry was just recently given a gift by the federal court system (federal “Vaccine Court”) that ruled that childhood vaccines do not cause autism in babies and small children. Pharmaceutical companies and the...

Crystal Elixirs

Crystal Elixirs

An elixir is a medicinal potion. Elixirs are also known as essences and gem remedies. Elixirs are for internal and external use. They may be taken internally unless a particular gemstone is toxic, as a few of...


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