Put Cabbage Leaves On Your Chest And Legs & See What Happens

Put Cabbage Leaves On Your Chest And Legs & See What Happens

Cabbage is one of the best low calorie foods with tons of health benefits. While a lot of people know that cabbage is a helpful cholesterol lowering food, most people don’t know about the strange yet healthy uses of cabbage. Surprisingly, cabbage can have a positive effect if used as a topical remedy. Yes, the uses of cabbage in this article are unusual, but like putting onions in your socks or honey on your face, they have been proven to work.

Whether you have a headache, thyroid pain, or swelling, try using cabbage leaves as a remedy.

Help For Thyroid Gland

The thyroid is one of the most important glands in the body. It produces hormones that play a crucial role in the health of your digestive organs and metabolism. Eating cruciferous vegetables like cabbage may interfere with healthy hormone function, but folk medicine says that placing cabbage leaves on your thyroid gland overnight may neutralize thyroid-disrupting hormones. Since it may be hard to sleep with cabbage leaves on your neck, try leaving them on your neck for long hours when you can relax at home.

Headaches Be Gone

Because cabbage is rich in vitamins C & K, folate, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron, it is an effective remedy for getting rid of headaches. A lot of headaches can be caused by stress or nutritional deficiencies, which is why it is great to eat cabbage. An odd yet effective trick you can use is placing cabbage leaves on your temples or upper forehead. Your skin will absorb the nutrients and the cabbage will cool you down as well. For added relief, you can place cabbage leaves in the freezer for 15 minutes prior to applying them.

No More Breast Feeding Pain

Some women experience pain during the breastfeeding period. Say goodbye to this pain by placing fresh cabbage leaves on your breasts, ladies. Take a rolling pin and go over the cabbage leaves so that they can mold to your breasts more easily. You can keep them on your breasts for several hours, or place chilled leaves on your breasts two times a day for 20 minutes. You can follow these short sessions up with breastfeeding or pumping. You should experience relief within a week.

Decrease Joint Swelling

Many physical therapists have frequently recommended wrapping joints in cabbage leaves because they help decrease inflammation. Cabbage contains glucosinolate, which is a cancer-fighting and anti-inflammatory compound. Remove the stiff veins from the cabbage leaves and place the leaves in between two paper towels. Pound the leaves with a meat tenderizer to activate the healing compounds. Immediately place those leaves on the affected joint to decrease swelling and pain.



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