We have always been told to brush and floss our teeth. Some people are not as keen on flossing as others, but it does help to get food or bacteria out of areas that the toothbrush may not be able to reach. Brushing and flossing are undoubtedly necessary for a healthy mouth, but are these oral hygiene practices preventing you from getting cavities?
Recent studies have revealed that that the cause of cavities may be, first and foremost, a nutritional problem. Certain foods have a tremendous impact on your oral health and eating these foods, even if you are brushing and flossing, may cause you to develop cavities or tooth decay. This is why some researchers believe that it is possible to naturally heal and regenerate your teeth just like any other bone or bodily tissue.
Dr. Weston A. Price, who was a dentist and researcher, studied past groups of people all over the world and despite having no access to dentists or modern oral hygiene products, they had healthy teeth. Tooth decay was more prominent in other cultures with different diets. What was it about those diets that made people, who were living somewhat primitively, have near perfect oral health?
Through his research, Dr. Price found that these diets contained fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E, and K2. These cultures consumed high fat diets, primarily eating animal fats from seafood, organ meats, plants, and raw milk and raw cheese (i.e. unpasteurized). Dr. Price discovered that fat-soluble vitamins, specifically vitamin K2, tell the body where to properly place minerals (in teeth and bones) and where not to place them (in joints or arteries).
Can You Reverse A Cavity?
Your teeth are like sponges; things can go in and things can go out. It stands to reason, then, that they can gain or lose minerals. If your teeth gain minerals (remineralize) faster than they lose them (demineralize), it is possible to avoid tooth decay and maintain oral health. You have to eat the right foods that promote remineralization in order to naturally repair cavities.
Foods That Promote Remineralization
- Natto
- Dark Leafy Greens (chard, spinach, or kale)
- Apples
- Celery
- Avocados
- Green & White Tea
- Wild Caught Fish
Foods That Promote Demineralization
- Packaged Oatmeal and Cereals (high in phytic acid)
- Bread
- Sugary Yogurt
- Sugary Drinks
- Processed Foods
- Saltine Crackers
- All High Glycemic Index Foods
Your Diet Affects Your Teeth
After years of research, many experts have concluded that diet plays as big a role in oral health as hygiene practices do. To help prevent cavities, it is important to avoid the foods that cause demineralization. You should also focus on including enough minerals and enough fat-soluble minerals to help with the remineralization process. The last factor is how well your body can absorb the minerals that you eat. It is best to minimize your consumption of foods that are high in phytic acid because they have been linked to mineral deficiencies, tooth decay, and osteoporosis.
If you want, you can make your own remineralizing toothpaste if you seek out the proper ingredients. Oil pulling is another great option and you can read this article for how to properly do it. You can also benefit from focusing on plant-based foods high in vitamins A, D, E, and K2.