How Plastic Makes Us Fat

How Plastic Makes Us Fat

Increasingly, evidence is mounting that chemicals—particularly those found in plastic—are disrupting our endocrine system, which may make us more susceptible to weight gain, diabetes, and obesity. Your endocrine system creates your hormones, which regulate a variety of systems including your metabolism, respiration, sleep, stress, movement, and reproduction.

A new report in the Endocrine Society, explains it as such:

Emerging evidence ties endocrine-disrupting chemical exposure to two of the biggest public health threats facing society — diabetes and obesity. EDCs contribute to health problems by mimicking, blocking or otherwise interfering with the body’s natural hormones. By hijacking the body’s chemical messengers, EDCs can alter the way cells develop and grow. Known EDCs include bisphenol A (BPA) found in food can linings and cash register receipts, phthalates found in plastics and cosmetics, flame retardants and pesticides.

The last sentence in the abstract is particularly disturbing:

The chemicals are so common that nearly every person on Earth has been exposed to one or more.

So what does this tell us? It tells us that we need to detoxify our systems regularly, either by eating foods that support natural detoxification or engaging in a Cleanse at least once a year. Unfortunately, you can’t upgrade your body every decade or so like we do with our cars. We only get one, which means we have to treat it with utmost care.

As Pastor Hosea Collins describes, our bodies “are not who we are, but where we are.” Keeping them clean will help us live longer, healthier lives.



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