
Dangers of Anti-Biotics

Dangers of Anti-Biotics

Antibiotics are just like radiation in cancer treatment. As radiation destroys or kills all cells in the body – cancerous cells as well as healthy cells – antibiotics likewise target all bacteria, beneficial or good bacteria in addition to detrimental or bad bacteria.

Antibiotics are a synthetically (or semi-synthetically) made drug designed to interfere with the natural bacteria or flora in the body by inhibiting and destroying growth of microorganisms.

One of the problems with antibiotics is that they disrupt the natural balance of the body. Though we are alkaline creatures as human beings, we require acidity to keep us balanced. Anytime beneficial bacteria or microorganisms become outnumbered by harmful bacteria or microorganisms, the body’s natural body ecology is negatively effected. Antibiotics can also trigger yeast infections in women by changing the body ecology and the unhealthy flora, bacteria, or microorganisms get out of check and spread.

Antibiotics have been over-prescribed for years, creating “super bugs” that are resistant to traditional treatment. Doctors are finally getting the message that just because a patient asks for an antibiotic, they don’t necessarily need it.

Not all microorganisms are harmful. In fact, when properly contained, the harmful bacteria or microorganisms are also not harmful. The harm comes from when the harmful bacteria or microorganisms begin to grow and outnumber the beneficial bacteria.

Natural Alternatives

If you need a natural alternative or a natural agent for the duty of an antibiotic, turn to Nature for help. In place of antibiotics, you can use antimicrobial herbs such as:

  • Neem
  • Astragalus
  • Garlic
  • Echinacea
  • Goldenseal
  • Pau D’Arco
  • Myrrh Gum
  • Calendula
  • Elecampane

These can be taken together in capsule (pill), extract, or tea form or can even be taken as a douche (if the problem is acute).

Dherbs Solutions products that can be used where an antibiotic is called for include:

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