Women’s Health

Birth Control: Wild Yam vs. Pennyroyal

Birth Control: Wild Yam vs. Pennyroyal

Wild Yam Root is the most effective herb available today for natural birth control, effective and reliable. Small doses, Wild Yam aids in miscarriage prevention. Large does it will serve as an abortafcaient. Pennyroyal is very effective for PMS and menstrual problems.

Is The Female Menstrual Cycle Natural?

Is The Female Menstrual Cycle Natural?

Concurring with metaphysicists Rev. Phil Valentine (University of Kemetian Sciences) and Dr. Delbert Blair (The Meta Center), the female menstrual cycle is normal, but not natural. As the human body has the innate capabilities to adapt to...

Uterine Prolapse

Uterine Prolapse

Signs of uterine prolapse vary greatly from patient to patient. In minor instances of prolapse, a woman may not even know she has it.


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