Frequent Product Questions

Most Frequently Asked Questions About the Full Body Cleanse (FBC)

It is wise to change your eating habits after cleansing. We don’t dictate what others should eat, but we can and will prescribe a better and healthier diet for you. Please inquire under “Ask the Experts“.

Yes, the FBC can be sold at wholesale prices to customers who participate in our distributorship program. You can find out more information about distributorship program at become a distributor.

Yes. The Childrens (liquid) FBC is very easy for an infants/babies to perform. However, instead of cleansing for 3 weeks, infants and babies may only need 3-5 days of cleansing.

Children above the age of 14 may cleanse. Children 13 and under should perform the Childrens FBC which is in liquid form.
Great question. You may still work while detoxing, the FBC will not prevent you from working.

Yes! Regardless of your health challenge (diabetes, obesity, etc.), we recommend that you first detoxify your whole body. The FBC detoxifies the whole body from head to toe thus making the other formulas more effective. Remember,  you can always perform the Pancreas Cleanse or Weight Release Cleanse after detoxing if you want to key in on a particular health challenge or pathology.

We do not recommend detoxing while you’re pregnant. It is best to detox before or after pregnancy. We recommend the Electric Green Combo Regimen for women who are pregnant and/or breastfeeding.

We recommend that you wait until your cleansing is done before you re-engage in sexual intercourse. Look at it like this, after 3 weeks (of sexual fasting) you have something to look forward to. (Smile)

Yes! Herbal teas can be consumed while detoxing. Make sure that any herbal teas that you ingest are all natural, and do not contain any synthetic ingredients.

We don’t recommend taking any vitamins, minerals, or other supplements while performing the FBC. Some OTC vitamins, minerals, and other supplements you may take on a daily basis can be synthetic, toxic, and inorganic.

The Raw foods diet and the herbs of the FBC will supply you with all the nutrition you need while cleansing.

We don’t recommend that you take herbs (FBD) and pills (prescribed medication) simultaneously, as pills or medication are synthetic and therefore poisonous and this would be counterproductive to the cleansing and healing induced by the FBD.

Whether you continue to take pills or prescribed medication in general or while performing the FBD is a personal choice that must be made by yourself or your physician.

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We do not refund postage expenses for any shipment of products.
  • Dherbs does not give refunds for any opened containers or bottles.
  • Items should be in new condition with original packaging and accessories.
  • You must return the item to us within 15 days of receipt of purchase.
  • If you open a container(s) or bottle(s) that exist in a cleanse, regimen or kit, there will be NO refund for that cleanse, regimen or kit. NO EXCEPTIONS
No, we only offer refunds on products that have not been opened or tampered with. Refunds will only be given if products are in their original, unopened condition and we receive the product within 15 days of receipt of purchase.

No, we are not regulated by the FDA. All of our products are all-natural, and do not contain any drugs or synthetic materials.

  • Dherbs does not make refunds for any opened containers or bottles.
  • Item should be in new condition with original packaging and accessories.
  • You must return the item to us within 15 days of receipt of purchase.
  • If you open a container(s) or bottle(s) that exist in a cleanse, regimen or kit, there will be NO refund for that cleanse, regimen or kit. NO EXCEPTIONS

Dherbs.Com offers various healing/cleansing kits and programs. All of these special kits and programs last approximately 3-weeks (20 days to be exact). There is no specific time frame set for you to wait after performing one cleanse and before doing another. The choice is up to you. Many people use the Full Body Detox back to back and some folks perform it three times in a row (consecutively). You know your body and tolerance levels better than we do, so the choice is totally yours. You could do one cleanse and jump right to the next, or you could wait 3-7 days, one week, or 2 weeks and then proceed with your cleanse. Again, the choice is yours to make!

Capsules are more potent that liquid extract formulas. Capsules last in the body for approximately 8 days whereas liquid extracts only last 4-5 days in the body. Liquid extracts enter the bloodstream faster than capsules. Liquid extracts enter the bloodstream immediately (seconds) whereas it takes capsules (even vegetarian capsules) approximately 45 minutes to dissolve.

No, you cannot overdose on the herbs/formulas in the fatal sense of overdosing. Remember, herbs are not drugs. Herbs are food!

It’s your choice! However, we feel it’s best to eat something first and then wait for 30-60 minutes before you take your capsules. However, herbs enter the body quicker on an empty stomach. So again, it boils down to your choice.

We don’t recommend that pregnant women detox. Detoxing could be too strong for the system and cause shock which could cause discomfort to the fetus or developing child. It’s best for a pregnant woman to concentrate on nutrition while pregnant, and perform one of our other cleanses such as the Electric Cell Food Cleanse.

It all depends on what formula(s) you are taking. No formula that contains Black Walnut Hulls (i.e. Candida Buster, Parasite and Worms, etc.) or Sage (Hair-Skin-Nails) should be taken while breastfeeding as these two herbs stop lactation (milk flow).

It all depends on what formula you are taking. Most of our formulas are pregnancy-friendly. It’s best to take nutritious formulas, or herbs that provide nutrition while pregnant (i.e. Vitamin C Combo, Electric Greens Cell Food, Iodine Phosphate, etc.). If you want to be on the safe side in regards to taking herbs while pregnant, just take 1 or 2 capsules daily. If you are taking herbs to prevent, or remedy a prenatal problem, there’s nothing to worry about. For constipation, take a colon formula. For low iron or anemia, take Iron Phosphate or the Blood & Lymphatic formula. If you are worried about cretinism or Down Syndrome, take Iodine Phosphate and Brain Tuner. For hemorrhoids, take a colon formula and Circu-Laid formula. For headaches and pain, take the Headache and Pain formula. For sciatic nerve problems, take the Nerves Formula. For more calcium, take Calcium Phosphate.

Of course not, but you could take them for the rest of your life if you wanted to since herbs are a source of food. Hippocrates once said, “let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.” The goal is to help you get back to eating the foods the way Nature intended for us to eat them – in their natural form.

Each individual bottle contains 100 capsules. Dherbs.Com only uses vegetarian (vegan) capsules which are plant-based. We do not use any animal parts or by-products whatsoever.

That all depends, your body will determine this for you. Some people’s bodies have an affinity for herbs and therefore the healing is very rapid. Others may have very toxic and damaged bodies therefore, it may take longer for a formula to help them heal. No one can say for sure how long it will take a particular individual to heal. The person’s body determines this. However, patience is a virtue in healing. Most people did not create their conditions overnight therefore the healing also won’t take place over night. You will heal when your body agrees to heal itself.

If you can tolerate the taste, then by all means open up the capsules and pour them into a liquid (i.e. water, fruit juice, vegetable juice) and take them that way.

In all due actuality, herbs don’t spoil; but for the sake of technicality, the herbs/formulas in capsule form will remain good for at least 3 years from the date of purchase and the liquid extracts will remain good for at least 6 months from the date of purchase. Capsule formulas do not require refrigeration. However, liquid extracts will last longer if refrigerated. As long as you keep the herbs/formulas in a dark place and away from direct sunlight they’ll last a good while.

Sometimes, a sick feeling is misconstrued as ‘healing crisis.’ In natural healing, sickness or a feeling of sickness is a good sign that the body is healing itself.

In some cases, YES! This is especially true of our colon formulas (i.e. Bowel Motion, Colon and digestive Formula).

Every Dherbs formula bottle list the directions. Generally, we recommend taking 3 capsules daily on average. You can take the capsules all at once, or three times throughout the day (i.e. morning, noon and evening), etc. It really doesn’t matter as long as you take the recommended amount and have the 3 capsules in your body before you retire for bed. If you want to take 4 capsules or more daily, you are free to do so. Herbs are natural and you cannot overdose on them. If you want to limit the amount of capsules that you ingest, and take just 1 or 2 capsules per day, you are free to do so as well. Simply put, do what you feel is best for you, and as long as the capsules (herbs) get into your body (bloodstream), they will take effect.

Great question. While we cannot suggest that you discontinue the use of your prescription medicine, we can tell you that other people in your same situation have successfully used our products. You will find that our products will help rid your body of toxins, and help aid in the healing of the other major functions of the body.

While we have found that this product is best when used by itself it would totally be at the discretion of either yourself or your physician if you chose to discontinue the use of your medication. We cannot make that decision on your behalf.

Remember that all of our products are 100% all-natural and organic, and thus should not present any problems to you, but we ask that you read all of the ingredients, and make sure that none of the herbs present a risk to you.

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FAQ About the Anti-Viral Cleanse

No, no product, natural or unnatural (e.g. pharmaceutical drug, medication), can cure or heal any disease, disorder, or pathology. Healing or curing is not external; rather, it comes from within (within the person). To cure or heal any disease requires a holistic approach (inner and outer). At, it is our belief (predicated upon knowledge) that if a person positively changes or modifies their (1) ‘mindset’ (thinking/thoughts), (2) ‘attitude,’ (3) ‘diet’ (food and beverage), (4) ‘lifestyle,’ and (5) ‘environment,’ in addition to having the (6) ‘will,’ and (7) ‘intent’ to heal, the person can in fact heal or cure him/herself from ANY disease including herpes simplex virus 1 & 2. But the Anti-Viral Cleanse is not itself a cure.

Easy! The Anti-Viral formula (and the Full Body Detox kit and regimen) cleanse the entire body including the blood and lymphatic fluids and when you cleanse the entire body and render the body alkaline (via mineralization and oxygenation), disease cannot exist in your body. Herpes is a skin and parasitic disorder and when you cleanse the blood (and entire body), parasites and unhealthy microorganisms cannot live in the body. It’s that simple!

“…herpes simplex is an infection caused by a herpes simplex virus (HSV), which has an affinity for the skin…” SOURCE: Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, 3rd edition (1990)

“Virus [Latin, meaning ‘poison’] is a minute parasitic microorganism much smaller than a bacterium …” SOURCE: Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, 3rd edition (1990)

That depends on who you ask! Under allopathic (Western) medicine, herpes is incurable. Under naturopathy, herpes (like all other diseases) is healable predicated upon wholistic modalities that work on the person’s mind, body, and spirit.

The Anti-viral kit and regimen does not suppress the herpes virus or any virus. Remember, virus means poison (as per Mosby’s supra) and you cannot suppress poison with herbs. Herbs don’t suppress, they help the body to eliminate what is not supposed to be in the body. Herbs are cleansing, strengthening, and building. Suppression of a thing means that the thing (e.g. virus) is still in the body, but that it is just dormant or latent. Suppression of herpes will still result in a positive test for the virus, while the eradication of the disease is what garners the negative test that most of our customers seek.

You should get tested the day after you complete the kit and regimen (or a few days later, granted you keep performing the dietary regimen).

We highly recommend completing the FBC prior to performing the Anti-Viral Kit and Regimen. The Full Body Detox and the Anti-viral kit and regimen when performed back to back are much more effective than just performing the Anti-Viral Kit and Regimen by itself.

The kits and regimens should be performed back to back. It is best to start the Anti-viral kit and regimen 1-3 days after finishing the Full Body Cleanse. However, make sure you keep up the Full Body Cleanse dietary regimen during your break between both cleanses.

In our view, it is unwise to have unprotected or even protected sex while performing the Anti-Viral Cleanse and Regimen, or while doing any other type of cleanse or cleansing regimen. You can still give the virus to someone even if you aren’t experiencing an outbreak.

We sure would like to, but for legal reasons, and logical reasons, we do not guarantee anything. There are many corrupted and perturbed people in the world today, especially in the U.S., who would purchase the kit and regimen but (1) continue to consume the same degenerate diet, (2) fall off the regimen, or (3) not fully complete the regimen, and then unethically and unscrupulously seek to get a refund by claiming the kit and regimen did not help them heal from their particular viral infection, or worse, attempt to sue Dherbs.Com for false advertising.

Yes! We invite everybody to ‘Write a review’ (testimony) on our site after testing ‘negative’ for a specific viral infection so to serve as inspiration for other people who may be skeptical (about the kit and regimen) and plagued with a so-called incurable viral infection; but because most people who purchase the kit do so due to having either genital herpes, A.I.D.S, or sexually-transmitted diseases, they do not want to publicize their personal history and past for (1) fear of lawsuits from past lovers who may have contracted the virus, (2) fear of causing health concerns for a present or potential lover, and (3) fear, guilt, shame, and/or humiliation, which is very understandable to us. Federal and state law require individuals who test positive for sexually transmitted diseases to register with the Department of Health and failure to do so is a violation of the law and many people fail to obey the law. These are the reasons most people who test ‘negative’ after performing the kit and regimen do not, refuse to, or fail to ‘Write a review (testimony). Purchase the Anti-Viral Kit and Regimen today!

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Most Frequently Asked Questions About Kits

We do not offer store credit, but you can return a product as long as the bottle(s) remain unopened. You also have to mail the product(s) back to us within 15 days of receipt of purchase. Once we receive the return and it complies with our return policy, we will process the return and you can order a new product. You will basically be getting refunded on the method of payment, and then charged for the new order.
Dherbs.Com does not have any stores in any foreign countries, but we do ship to foreign countries. Before ordering our products, check the ingredients of the product(s) you are interested in and see if those ingredients can enter your country. You can find this information on the country’s customs website.
No. only has one physical warehouse location where you can pick up products in Los Angeles, CA. officially began operating in October 2003 in Glendale, California.
Dherbs.Com does not have an affiliate program.
This references the fact that you can use the product when you feel that it is needed, i.e. daily, every other day, every three days, once a week, etc.
Alkaline water can be purchased at many of the more established health food stores, e.g. Whole Foods Market, Wild Oats, Nature Mart (Los Angeles), Natural Grocer (El Cerrito and Berkeley, California), New Frontiers (Sedona and Flagstaff, Arizona), Sprouts, Trader Joes, etc.
Alkaline water refers to a type of water that has a high pH balance (8-9.5 pH), which helps raise the body’s alkalinity and establish a neutral pH level in the body. Alkaline water is “alkaline” because it contains the eight alkaline minerals: calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, chromium, and copper. For more information, read our article on alkaline water.
Our products contain 100% all natural herbs which contain; no fillers, binders, preservatives, or synthetic ingredients. These herbs are encapsulated in vegan capsules, and are flown in from all over the world.
Of course. Herbal tea has a soothing quality to it, and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.
You can drink different herbal teas throughout the day.
You can drink herbal tea as much as you like. Follow your intuition, drink, and enjoy!
Of course you can be a trucker and perform the Full Body Detox and/or one of the other cleanses.
Of course. You’d simply take the capsules 2-3 hours a part while you’re up at night and working. Just take the daytime process and apply it to the hours that you are up. For example, if you begin your night job at 11 p.m., then take Formula #1 of a kit at 11:00 p.m. or shortly thereafter. Take Formula #2 around 1:00 a.m. or 2:00 a.m. and follow the cycle. You can take your formulas anytime you feel like it as long as you space out the intervals between the different formulas, and remain consistent.
Our 3-week kits (i.e. Full Body Cleanse, Woman Cleanse, Weight Release, Fibroid Cleanse, etc.) are designed for ONE person only. If two people try to share any one of the kits they may not receive the full benefits of the herbs, and thus may not ultimately reach their goal.
Dherbs.Com only uses ‘o’ size (vegan or plant-based) capsules, which are the smallest available capsules. These capsules are very small, and easy to swallow.
Be patient. You have to remembert that it took your body several years to get into the state that it is currently in. Depending on the toxicity of your body, you may have to complete several cycles of a particular formula in order to see the results that you want. If you still have questions, call us at  866 474 3727.
You should take the herbs until you heal or obtain your desired results; but even after healing you can take the herbs for maintenance and prevention.
All of our herbs provide the body with the necessary nutrion that it needs to help itself heal. Along with our herbs, you will also be receiving the necessary vitamins, and mineral that you need to survive from the foods that you consume while performing any of one of our various cleanses.
You receive protein in everything that you eat. Just because you are not eating meat does not mean that you are not getting/receiving protein from your food.
We do not recommend taking any other formulas along with ours as the other formulas may contain synthetic ingredients or other substances that may affect the overall performance of our herbs.
Great question. There is a small chance that the Full Body Cleanse can be counterproductive to you taking birth control, as its main goal is to pull all of the toxins out of your system.

Great question. While we cannot suggest that you discontinue the use of your prescription medicine, we can tell you that other people in your same situation have successfully used The Full Body Cleanse. You will find that this product will help rid your body of toxins, and help aid in the other major functions of the body.

While we have found that this product is best when used by itself it would totally be at the discretion of either yourself or your physician if you chose to discontinue the use of your medication. We cannot make that decision on your behalf.

Remember that all of our products are 100% all-natural and organic, and thus should not present any problems to you, but we ask that you read all of the ingredients, and make sure that none of the herbs present a risk to you. While we can say that we have not had any problems in the past we recognize that everyone is different and cannot speak on behalf of everyone.

You are terribly toxic, and chances are this is your first time performing our cleanse which is highly powerful and effective. If you have just begun the Cleanse (FBC) and you have vomited or are currently vomiting, temporarily stop taking the capsules and drink plenty of water and/or ginger tea (to help with nauseous feeling) and lie down if you can. Take a day or two off of the program before you start back up, but when you do start back up, instead of taking five (5) capsules follow the regimen below:

*When someone vomits, its a sign that the body is too acidic and that the colon is too taxed to expel via the rectum; a natural reaction to the alkalinity of the herbs.*

DAY 1:

7:00 a.m.  Formula 5 (2 capsules)
10:00 a.m. Formula 2 (2 capsules)
12:00 p.m. Formula 3 (2 capsules)
2:00 p.m.  Formula 4 (2 capsules)
7:00 p.m.  Formula 6 (2 capsules)
Bedtime FORMULA #7 Carbon/Activated Charcoal ½ Teaspoon in a glass of water. Stir well.



DAY 2:


7:00 a.m.  Formula 5 (3 capsules)
10:00 a.m. Formula 2 (3 capsules)
12:00 p.m. Formula 3 (3 capsules)
2:00 p.m.  Formula 4 (3 capsules)
7:00 p.m.  Formula 6 (3 capsules)
Bedtime FORMULA #7 Carbon/Activated Charcoal ½ Teaspoon in a glass of water. Stir well.



DAY 3:`

7:00 a.m.  Formula 5 (4 capsules)
10:00 a.m. Formula 2 (4 capsules)
12:00 p.m. Formula 3 (4 capsules)
2:00 p.m.  Formula 4 (4 capsules)
7:00 p.m.  Formula 6 (4 capsules)
Bedtime FORMULA #7 Carbon/Activated Charcoal ½ Teaspoon in a glass of water. Stir well.



DAY 4:


7:00 a.m.  Formula 5 (5 capsules)
10:00 a.m. Formula 2 (5 capsules)
12:00 p.m. Formula 3 (5 capsules)
2:00 p.m.  Formula 4 (5 capsules)
7:00 p.m.  Formula 6 (5 capsules)
Bedtime FORMULA #7 Carbon/Activated Charcoal ½ Teaspoon in a glass of water. Stir well.



DAY 5:


7:00 a.m.  Formula 5 (5 capsules)
10:00 a.m. Formula 2 (5 capsules)
12:00 p.m. Formula 3 (5 capsules)
2:00 p.m.  Formula 4 (5 capsules)
5:00 p.m.  Formula 1 (1 capsules) (Increase a capsule a day until you can take 5 capsules and keep this format throughout your cleanse.)
7:00 p.m.  Formula 6 (5 capsules)
Bedtime FORMULA #7 Carbon/Activated Charcoal ½ Teaspoon in a glass of water. Stir well.



Also since wants everyone to have an incredible experience they will assign you a Detox specialist that will communicate and work with you through out your 20 day cleanse.


To contact the Detox Specialist:

866 – 434- 3727 ask for A.D. or

If you are feeling sick while cleansing please contact one of our specialists at 866 434 3727 and they will be able to help you throughout your cleansing experience.
You wouldn’t have to ask this question if you would JUST READ!
Depending on your level of commitment, it may be wise that you wait until you return home in order begin the cleanse.
It is very, very rare but could happen. If this does happen, make sure that you bathe daily in hot water and 1 box of sea salt (8-12 ounces of sea salt), and use oil on your skin rather than lotion. While bathing, make sure to scrub your skin with a loofah brush, and drink plenty of fruit and vegetable juice as well. Steaming (going to a steam room) will also help this condition subside as well. This condition will not last long; usually just during the duration of the cleanse.
The formulas that are responsible for motivating your body to eliminate waste are the formulas that you will be taking at night in the comfort of your home. If you work night shifts, then these formulas are the ones that you will be taking when you arrive home after your shift has ended. Please remember that the more toxic your body is, the more waste you should expect to expel while you are cleansing.
Trust your body’s intelligence. These cleanses are designed to help your body lose the waste that has been accumulating within. If you are already small, then you should expect your body to have less waste to expel and thus you should not experience a large amount of weight loss.
Most people lose between 10-30 lbs. on average while performing either the Full Body Cleanse or the Weight Loss Cleanse, both of which are 20 day cleanses.
Due to the fact that everyones body is experiencing different levels of toxicity there is no way to predetermine how long it will take a specific person to heal without being able to take in to account their specific circumstances.

In our opinion healing is a wholistic process and no one product (herbaceutical or pharmaceutical) can be 100% guaranteed to heal or cure you. While working towards healing your body, you must remain in control of your thought process, attitude, diet, lifestyle and environment. Remember you remain the biggest variable in the healing process, the more positive changes you make, the better your chances at healing are.

Herbs are alive and thus they will aid your body in the healing process.
All of the other cleanses ask that the participants follow a mostly raw food diet. This diet consists of fruit, vegetables, salad, seeds and nuts, dried fruit, trail mix, fruit smoothies, sprouted legumes, herbal teas, water (alkaline or distilled), etc.

You can eat food, but it can’t be cooked (except for your vegetables which can be steamed, for about 7 minutes maximum).

The Full Body Cleanse consists of a raw food diet. This means that while cleansing, your diet will consists of raw fruit, vegetables, salad, seeds, nuts, dried fruit, trail mix, fruit smoothies, sprouted legumes, herbal teas, water (alkaline or distilled), etc.


Whether it’s the Full Body Detox, Anti-Viral Cleanse, Woman Cleanse, etc., it’s best to perform the cleanses at least once or twice per year at minimum, and 3-4 times per year at maximum.
Great question. You can cleanse as much as you like, but each cleanse must completed one at a time. This means that you may immediately begin using another cleanse as soon as you finish the previous one. There is no specified amount of time that you must wait in between cleansing. The time that you wait in between cleanses is just a matter of preference.

The Full Body Cleanse is mainly designed to help cleanse the entire body with an emphasis on the eliminative channels, i.e. colon, liver, lungs, kidneys, and skin (and for females: uterus!).

The Male and Female Cleanses are predominantly used to help cleanse and heal the sexual reproductive systems, and address the endocrine or hormonal system.

The Weight Release Cleanse is mainly designed to assist people who desire to shed excess pounds.

The Anti-Viral Cleanse helps people who are experiencing viral infections and blood disorders.

The Pancreas Cleanse is designed to help people who are experiencing pancreas and kidney disorders.

The Parasite and Worm Cleanse is composed of herbs that will help aid people experiencing problems with parasites and/or internal worms.

The Fibroid Cleanse is made to help females experiencing difficulties with fibroid tumors and/or cysts.

The Respiratory Cleanse is designed to help people who are experiencing severe respiratory issues and/or lung problems.

The Substance Abuse Cleanse is designed to help people who are experiencing problems with drug addiction and/or substance abuse.

NOTE: The above cleanses are 3-week cleanses (20 days to be exact), and all require a raw food diet, or mostly raw food diet throughout their entirety. Our site has more information on each individual cleanse including ingredients etc.

Listed below, you will find our 10-Day Supreme cleanses. These cleanses are great maintenance kits, and will help your body heal from any specific illnesses that you may be experiencing.

NOTE: Regardless of what health challenge you may be dealing with, it is always best to start off with the Full Body Cleanse which is a catalyst kit that enhances the effect of all subsequent kits?

The 10-Day Colon Cleanse is designed to help people who are experiencing intestinal-colon problems.

The 10-Day Candida Cleanse is designed to help people who are experiencing candida issues.

The 10-Day Blood Cleanse is designed to help people who are experiencing blood disorders.

The 10-Day Liver Cleanse is designed to help people who are experiencing liver problems.

The 10-Day Kidney Cleanse is designed to help people who are experiencing kidney problems.

The 10-Day Heart Cleanse is designed to help people who are experiencing heart and circulation problems.

The formulas (usually 6 different bottles, but some have less than 6 bottles), come equipped with the necessary accessories (i.e. crystals, magnets, inhalers, etc.), and the instruction booklet(s) replete with dietary regimen (what is recommended to eat during the program)

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FAQ’s About Eating On A Cleanse

The term “raw” refers to organic or natural foods that are in their “raw,” or uncooked state. Raw vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts that are untreated and in their natural form are considered “raw” foods. Anything that is processed or has synthetic ingredients cannot be considered raw.

People make the argument that fish is raw. While fish can be eaten raw, we do not condone eating this while participating in one of our cleanses.

If the food is “raw”, yes! Look for fresh fruit and vegetables. Fruit salads or salads (undressed) are great options.

You should eat food that is appropriate and compliant with your cleanse. Raw almonds, cashews, walnuts, or Brazil nuts are great healthy snacks that can help keep you full. If you know you are going to be on the road, consider meal prepping some raw fruit and vegetable snacks.

This is not recommended because cookies and cakes do not follow the raw foods diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts and seeds. Check out our Full Body Cleanse-Approved Recipe Section for raw dessert options.
Eating popcorn is not recommended because it is a cooked food. Stick to raw fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts and seeds.
This is not recommended because it does not follow the raw foods diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts and seeds.
We do not recommended eating pasta because it does not follow the raw-foods diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts and seeds. If you want to get creative, try this raw pasta recipe where the noodles are actually zucchini!
This is not recommended. The goal is cleanse your body of things that it is dependent on, and establish a renewed, healthy body.
This is not recommended because dairy products do not follow the raw foods diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts and seeds. Dairy products can actually contribute to a variety of health issues. Read our article on dairy products to get more information.
This is not recommended because it is filled with sugar and does not follow the raw foods diet of raw fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts and seeds.
This is not recommended because you are trying to get rid of things that your body depends on. If you are in desperate need of caffeine, try drinking green tea or fresh lemon juice in water.
This is not recommended because it is loaded with carbs, can create unhealthy cravings, and does not follow the raw foods diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts and seeds.

It is best to avoid eating cooked foods while on the cleanse. There is almost zero nutritional value, which is why we recommend the raw foods diet with our cleanses.

We do not recommend drinking alternative dairy products because they are often processed or sweetened. You can, however, make homemade almond milk and have that while you’re cleansing. Click here for the recipe.

Vegan or vegetarian processed foods are still processed and can often times contain soy, which is usually genetically modified. For these reasons, we do not recommend eating them while cleansing.
This is not recommended because it does not follow the raw foods diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts and seeds.
This is not recommended. While the fish is technically raw, the rice is cooked and both of these items do not follow the raw foods diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts and seeds.
This is not recommended because eggs do not follow the raw foods diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts and seeds.
This is not recommended because meat is not included in the raw foods diet. Animals are often raised with hormones and eat crops that are genetically modified, which is why we stay away from meat. Plus, meat does not follow the raw foods diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts and seeds.
This is not recommended. The idea is to remove these harmful substances while you are cleansing. All of these beverages can contribute to bloating, weight gain, or arterial build-up. Plus, these items do not follow the raw foods diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts and seeds.

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10 Day Flora Balance Cleanse (F or M)
10 Day Flora Balance Cleanse (F or M)

10 Day Flora Balance Cleanse (F or M)

The 10-Day Flora Balance Cleanse is an all-natural 10-day herbal gut cleanse intended to provide floral balance in individuals concerned with their overall gastrointestinal health.*
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