Cleanse Cops

The Proper Disposal of Batteries

The Proper Disposal of Batteries

Think twice about throwing out your dead batteries. It’s important to dispose of them correctly.

Is Your Kitchen Degreaser Toxic?

Is Your Kitchen Degreaser Toxic?

There are safer alternatives to traditional degreasers.

Is Your Bar Soap Toxic?

Is Your Bar Soap Toxic?

Most bar soaps are considered harmless (nontoxic). Is your bar soap toxic?

Plastic Containers: Is It Safe?

Plastic Containers: Is It Safe?

Have you thought about the plastics you microwave? It’s time plastic containers gets reconsidered.

Are Non-Stick Pans Safe?

Are Non-Stick Pans Safe?

Think twice before you grab the non-stick pan. If you do decide to use a non-stick pot or pan, be sure to care for them and toss them once they scratch.


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