Dherbs Products

Dherbs Black Seed Extract

Dherbs Black Seed Extract

Black Seed – herbal supplement used to treat conditions in the respiratory, stomach and intestinal, kidney and liver, and the circulatory and immune systems.

Dherbs Grape Seed Extract

Dherbs Grape Seed Extract

Herbal extract rich in flavanoids and nootropics to aid in brain, heart and anti-stress health.

Dherbs Iodine Extract

Dherbs Iodine Extract

Thyroid Aid – Herbal supplement rich in organic iodine that works to regulate hormones and aid in a healthy thyroid gland.

Dherbs Iron Extract

Dherbs Iron Extract

Iron Formula – Herbal supplement naturally high in organic iron to help strengthen blood vessel walls and heal anemia symptoms.

Dherbs Kacip Fatimah

Dherbs Kacip Fatimah

The herb enhances and increases a woman’s libido and is a powerful female sexual stimulant.

Dherbs Kidneys Extract

Dherbs Kidneys Extract

Dherbs.com Kidneys, Bladder & Adrenals contains plants including Juniper Berry and Tribulus that have beneficial properties for the kidneys and bladder.

Dherbs Liver Extract

Dherbs Liver Extract

Liver, Spleen & Gallbladder is a powerful, stimulating formula which is cleansing, healing, and strengthening to the both the liver and gallbladder.

Dherbs Lung Extract

Dherbs Lung Extract

Dherbs.com Lungs & Respiratory is a rejuvenating formula designed to strengthen and support the respiratory system.

Dherbs Magical Alchemical Elixir

Dherbs Magical Alchemical Elixir

Our Magical Alchemical Elixir contains noble earth elements and substances such as herbs, essential oils, crystal and gemstone vibrations, flower essences, and monoatomic element of gold.

Dherbs Moringa Extract

Dherbs Moringa Extract

Dherbs.com Moringa is the perfect nutritional supplement for a young child.

Dherbs Respiratory Aid

Dherbs Respiratory Aid

Dherbs.com Lungs & Respiratory is an excellent combination of respiratory herbs for combating diseases and infections.

Dherbs Vitamin C Extract

Dherbs Vitamin C Extract

Dherbs.com Vitamin C contains plants high in organic or phosphate Vitamin C and is 100% digestible and absorbable in the body due to being an electrical food.


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