Customer Journals

#1 Online Detox Diet – Lose 10 – 30lbs in 20 days!

#1 Online Detox Diet – Lose 10 – 30lbs in 20 days!

Lose 10 – 50lbs in 3 Weeks! Our bodies contain toxic waste accumulations, mucus, parasites and worms, excess fat, fluid buildup (cellulite), old and hardened fecal matter buildup, and many more unsightly and odorous things that play a pivotal role in sabotaging our health. The Full Body Cleanse opens the door to healing and rejuvenation. Detoxifying gives our bodies what it needs so desperately, a complete internal cleansing. We are conscious about cleaning the external body, but not the internal body. The Full Body Cleanse consists of the following seven (7) 100% natural potent, safe, and effective…

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Completed The Cleanse

Completed The Cleanse

So, I haven’t posted in a while. I wanted to document the entire 20 day process, but of course life gets in the way sometimes. I’m extremely happy with the results of the cleanse. I no longer have breast pain the way I had before. Even during my cycle there was little to no breast tenderness. I have not suffered with my allergies the way I was. My wrist is no longer bothering as much as before unless I really exert it with work. I was so pleased that I’ve been recommending this to others. …

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Preparing Mentally To Start The Cleanse

Preparing Mentally To Start The Cleanse

I ordered my cleanse this weekend. My order has been queued and is expected to arrive in 2 days. I’ve done Dherbs cleanses in the past, but this experience is going to be a lot different for me. I have been taking the Dherbs quizzes, educating myself more on the information they have available. I will also be embarking on some new fitness goals during this process and intend to follow the Full Body with several other cleanses because I want to give my body the best overall shot at optimal health in it’s late…

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Day 1

Day 1

Today’s my first day. I wanted to start on Saturday but my fiancee decided to cook his famous red beans for Memorial Day on Sunday, so I decided to start today instead. I woke up a little late, so I just consumed the Blood & Lymphatic supplement on an empty stomach. I was impressed and happy that I didn’t have any negative side effects. I had absolutely no discomfort in my stomach. That’s not common for me, as I have taken other supplements in the past and if I didn’t eat enough, my stomach would…

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Day 2

Day 2

Overall Day 1 was a success. I didn’t consume as much food as I’d like to but I was able to stick to the raw diet. I did try the Zucchini Noodles in Avocado Sauce. Honestly, it was okay (doable). I’m thinking of trying the Carrot Noodles in Tahini Sauce today. I felt really good most of the day! Prior to Day 1 I started to feel a little sinus sick. I did not take any Alka Seltzer as usual because I was starting this cleanse. Surprisingly, today my sore throat feels a lot better…

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FBC Has Arrived

FBC Has Arrived

My Full Body Cleanse arrived yesterday evening. I am still in preparation mentally and obtaining the groceries that I need to do this cleanse the proper way this time. I believe this will be my 3rd time doing the cleanse. However, I’ve never completed it properly (missing days, etc.) and I’ve never changed my diet to a raw food diet while doing the cleanse. My concerns and focus for this cleanse this time is really to give my body all that it needs to function properly. I’m in my late 30s, having more discomfort than…

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Grocery Shopping Pre Cleanse

Grocery Shopping Pre Cleanse

So, I received my FBC yesterday. I intend to start this weekend once I receive my Amazon order and make my way to the local farmer’s market. So far I’ve spent approximately $150 which is not too bad. These things I won’t have to repurchase for a while. Here’s what my Amazon grocery list consisted of: 2.5 lb Organic Chia Seeds2 lb Organic Shredded Coconut Unsweetened2 lb Organic Cacao Cocoa Nibs2 lb Organic Cocoa Powder16 oz Organic Sesami Tahini32 oz Grade A Maple Syrup, Amber Color4 oz Simply Organic Vanilla Flavoring (non-alcoholic)18…

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Getting over the hump

Getting over the hump

Do you know what food freedom is? Can you drive to town without stopping at a Drive Thru? Guess what, I never thought I would experience the joys of food freedom. But with the 20 day full body cleanse, it is helped me to stop running towards my comfort foods. We as moms get stuck in a rut, doing play dates that end with ice cream and burgers…but really, its not good for our kids or our bodies. The child obesity rate is SO high nowadays. Food is on every corner and we can access it so easily….

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Day 17 of Full body Cleanse

Day 17 of Full body Cleanse

Today my husband and I are on day 17 of 20. This journey has been incredible as I would never have gotten this far with my health without Dherbs. I am 36 and my hubby is 38, we have 8 children and I had a stroke in 2018 at the age of 33. I was about 180# at the time and felt fine with my body, since I was a mom. But I was told to lose the weight to be out of the danger of health issues. So, here I am at my 3 year stroke anniversary…

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Day 3

Day 3

I successfully completed day 3 of my FBC. I am drinking a lot of water which is very good considering I drank way less than half of what I am currently consuming. At the end of the day, I do struggle to take the last few ounces of water. Nonetheless, I am excited to feel better and look better.

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2nd FBC

2nd FBC

I am going to start the FBC on October 1st. My package is waiting for me in the mail. My first cleanse made me lose 15lbs. I felt fantastic during and after the cleanse back in March. I had high hopes to change the way I ate because I felt so good. My energy was out of this world. Then Covid-19 hit. Everything went downhill from there. I ate all the things I should not have. I am feeling the difference between then and now. I knew I needed cleanse again. Not only for the weight loss but…

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Day Seven

Day Seven

Today was actually the best day thus far. I drank a green smoothie for breakfast. My snack was green apple and grapes with cashew butter. For lunch and dinner I ate a salad consisting of romaine lettuce, spinach, radicchio, cucumber, carrot and tomato. I added avocado to the salad for dinner. Last week I tried to drink half my body weight in water but I struggled so much. I am doing much water with drinking water now.

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Day Six

Day Six

Day four and five was somewhat derailed because of a family emergency. I am back on track on day 6. Surprisingly, the cleanse has not been too difficult. My headache is completely gone and I think I am getting used to just eating vegetables, fruits and nuts. I have made a decision to stick to a vegan diet.

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Day Five

Day Five

Unfortunately, day four was not at all good. Not because I was in pain or hungry or anything to do with the FBC. I had a family emergency and did not remember to take most of my pills. I missed two sets of pills but was able to take the last the two. I hope that’s not going to affect my progress. This morning I forgot my pills at home but I will take them anyway. I have actually lost seven pounds so far. I will not give up. I am counting on good things for Day Five…

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Day Four

Day Four

I am starting on day four of my FBC. Day three was actually a lot better than the two other days. My headache was reduced significantly. For breakfast I made a green smoothie with kale, apple, flax seed and something else, I don’t remember. It was awful, so unfortunately I could not stomach it so I didn’t finish it. For lunch I ate a salad consisting of spinach, cucumber, tomatoes and apple. I was not hungry for dinner but ate some cashews. Cashews have been saving me. Hope I didn’t eat too much. This morning I am trying…

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Day Three of my FBC

Day Three of my FBC

Yesterday was very difficult for me. My head was hurting so much that I could not really concentrate. I found out that my body was detoxing from aspartame and caffeine. On Sunday I had a cappuccino and a diet coke and I started my cleanse on Monday. That was a bad idea. Today is my third day and my headache is still there but not as bad as yesterday. I am still holding on.

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Day One of my FBC

Day One of my FBC

Well today I started on my cleanse. I underestimated the preparation I needed to complete before going to work. Needless to say, I forgot so many things I wanted to do. I know better now to prepare the night before. The day was not bad though. I did get very hungry but I stuck to it. I had a green smoothie in the morning and a salad for lunch. I did eat some fruits in between. I realize that I have to expand my shopping list. Maybe tomorrow will be better with more vegetables and fruits. Oh, I…

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