abby castillo: Abby Baby

Feeling A Bit Queasy

Feeling A Bit Queasy

I have a lightheaded feeling today, almost like I’m going to faint. It goes away temporarily when I eat or have a drink of water, it’s uncomfortable but not unbearable at all. I truly believe it’s my body purging the toxins, which is why I’m not worried and running to the ER. Also, drinking some ginger and lemon in hot water helps take the uncomfortable feeling away. I’m hoping it will be gone in a few days, given that I don’t normally eat a lot of sugar.

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Prepare Meals And Menu In Advance

Prepare Meals And Menu In Advance

Now we all know eating RAW IS A MUST !!! So please plan ahead…create a menu before your products arrive and have a shopping list ready…buy a small cooler bag if you are on the go a lot, this will allow you to carry your foods with you while out and prevent a slip up of you eating something you’re not supposed to because you’re hungry and have nothing to eat!!! If you’re not a fan a water, infuse your water with mint, strawberries, cucumbers, etc…for a more satisfying taste, this allows you to maintain your water intake…

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I’m nervous but ready !!!

I’m nervous but ready !!!

My weight has being going up and down for the past 4 Years!! I’m normally 150/60 but I’ve gone up to 211 and now recently to 196 by just eating fruits and veggies. I’ve found that I do much better when I’m on a plan or set routine so I’m really looking forward to seeing the fruits of my labor with this cleanse. I have a cruise I’m going on in May and although I may not be 150 by then, I am shooting for a goal of 20 unnecessary pounds to be released from my life (belly…

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