How many times do we say one thing and do another? How often do we commit and then find the wiggle room, easing our way out of whatever responsibility, task or commitment we’ve made. I found myself in the question; are you making an Outstanding Effort toward your health goals? I had to answer honestly and quickly. I didn’t want to spend anytime in the space of rationale. It’s easy to become trapped by false disciplines, never pushing the line or going the mile, the Extra mile.
Today I made the choice to do more. I shifted my day around and got to that gym and it felt Great. Mid day workout, over 700 calories burned on the “Mill”, did some leg work and then hit the sauna. I didn’t push too hard, or beyond what my doctors instruction entail, however I did go beyond where I’d been going. I wanted to feel a burn and earn my rest. Oddly, it gave me more mid day energy, the workout worked me up, my mind was open and I was feeling great; that’s a small reward for giving my heart and body the attention it needs.
Bill Maxwell introduced the idea of the “Law of the Lid” to me a few years back in one of his remarkable writes; The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. I’ve come up with my own interpretation of that law, and its simple; stop putting obstacles in front of yourself. You go as high in your own life as you choose. Yes, there are variables and whatnot, but even more there is personal will.
Personal Will is where the Outstanding Effort is birthed. It doesn’t have to end at the sound of the whistle in this race to regain physical control of your life, your body and your health. The outstanding effort allows your heart to be in step with your entire being, pushing to one more stride, one more lap, one more push is no problem when enveloped in the eye of the Outstanding Effort. Your heart wants you to feel the burn of a winner and your body Thanks you!
Today find your Outstanding Effort, your will to take it to the next level. After all, when you’re on the Battlefield, only the strong survive.