
The Weekend Roundup: Week 3

Busy busy busy that was my weekend in a word, busy! I was a bit of everywhere doing a bit of everything. Lets see, there was a Toy drive and performance, I worked out all weekend, I taught class, I handled a few things for my church, got a couple meetings done and finally got some time in with my moms. I don’t have any complaints; my kids were a delight to teach at Lula Washington’s, the toy drive for Union Rescue Mission was a success, we’ll be able to help a lot of families this years and I’m grateful. 

I did a lot, but what was my thinking, where was I mentally. I know physically my body was stretched and pulled in every way, but I also found that mentally I faced a few hills also. There’s always that space of can I make it, will I make it, I know I got this. A lot, yes, but who doesn’t man the gamut if they’re really living? I enjoyed the weekend because I felt the burn; in the gym, during the toy drive, doing the announcements at church, even while teaching. There’s only so much energy that you have access to within your own strength.

Being on the cleanse boosts your energy, I’m finding that my thought process is even more clear when I’m cleansing. I Love It!!!

Sure, getting the compliments is a cool feeling but hitting that gym, making better food choices and feeling good in my skin is so cool. Now I am nowhere near my goal, but I believe it’s time to set one. With that, I’ll be hitting my doctor for a proper weigh in so I know where I’m starting. Yes, it’s been almost a month that I have been eating cleaner, working out and thinking myself forward; but with no starting point, how do ya gage what the ending results are? And I want to know!

I think we should all do this. I’ve had what I’d consider moderate success but I plan on going up the mountain. I just want to know how much baggage I got to let go of on my way up. Man the load does get easier. And I’m not simply talking about weight; I’m talking about the mental weight that gets carried, self-esteem, worth, value. Feeling better, looking better does add to and give you a boost. I want the Boost Baby!!!

I want the satisfaction in knowing that I set a goal and met it! I believed and saw myself to the finish line. What more is there to say, I want to accomplish this, and it’s not just about the weight. It’s about how I feel health wise. Heart disease is a scary thing, but the weight of the mask we wear is heavier than the actual weight you’re carrying. The mask keeps us from experiencing the fullness of love we deserve. We often feel that the change in physical weight will make us feel better inside, and I agree, it does. When you lift the heaviness of self-loathing and destruction your freedom from the shell of your body is tangible evidence of what’s being cleansed inside.

We have to keep a grip on what the True Goals should be in utilizing the Full Body Cleanse, exercise and change in diet. Reach into the core of whom you are and what you believe about yourself to find your specific goals. Self-love, worth, better health, value, strength, beauty, whatever your inner-self desires to rid, gain, experience; if you are simply wanting to fit into a pair of pants that ya like, you should find out what you are truly seeking less you will stunt your own growth, or find that once you meet your physical goal the weight was only a byproduct to what you were feeling on the inside.

Don’t get me wrong, a compliment or three would make anyone smile, but being Free allows those wings to spread so that you can fly right on in to your True Life.

Join me on this journey and follow me up the mountain, trust me babi!  We’re gonna make it!!!

IG: IamABMcDonald

Load your photos, send me videos, I want to see you work. :)


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