
The Weigh-in

But “First Things First” as my good and spicy friend Vikki would say.

Wake Up Wednesday…


Don’t believe me just Watch.

DISCLAIMER:::: This is my opinion and not the opinion of

This is my account of my attempt to purchase my favorite burger at a popular fast-food chain on the West Coast. Needless to say, I did Not make it, I ended up with a salad from another spot that I could trust was serving Natural lettuce!!! Laaaaawd What do you mean “All Natural” burger…Now!!!!????

Don’t get me wrong, I do understand the English, however…I’m disturbed that “All Natural” wasn’t the First 1st Option for the establishment or the American people.

Even with that lets make better choices. Yes I was a bit shocked but the truth is I should have already vetted the menu choices for myself. When you know better, you do better.

Let’ Watch What Happens

The Weigh-In

I guess you could say I’d become a bit edgy about it, my weigh-in I mean. I knew I had done the work but for some reason had been feeling like I wasn’t going to make my goal weight of 375 for my first weigh-in of the year. When I started the Cleanse I was a strong 394lbs, I said to myself “If I can make my first goal, I’ll be able to continue with the journey”, yes I set a goal!

I woke up chipper this morning however, felt good about what I wore and everything, I got to my doctor’s office and of course there was a wait, I asked the nurse If my guy was in and like clock work he was still out to lunch. I asked could they give him a ring as I simply needed a medical scale to weigh myself and they happily obliged. He answered as he was entering the building waving me down, greeting me with his usual “Abraham, when are you gonna get married? I mean he’s asked this question several times. And then he says, “there are lots of beautiful nurses around here”. It amuses me as always, I chuckle and was immediately escorted to the last station on the right side of the hallway.

I walked in and looked at that scale like it was the Heavy-weight Champion of the World and I was aiming to beat him. I strapped on my sanity, took off my shoes and stepped on the ride. I first stared at the wall thinking, I can’t look down but had to film what was happening, (I’m sure the camera angle in the video will tell it all). I muscle up a bit of bravery and low and behold, I couldn’t believe it! I smiled we cheered and the nurse just glowed from my happiness. She asked how I’d lost the weight, proudly I state, chest out of course, “Dherbs Full Body Cleanse”. I was a happy camper and motivated to start the next step and I do mean step in this journey… The “Santa Monica Stairs” to be exact; my New challenge.

Though I’ve done the stairs before, I’ve never made my goal of 5 Rounds of Up and Down. Trust me, those babies are a CHALLENGE and especially with my heart challenges as of resent but I know I can and Will do it.

Look, you can do exceedingly and above what you think you can do if you’d Stop thinking and just do it. Lets go team, I’m up and motivated. Set a “Next Level Plan” in order and get to it.

22 Pounds down #CantTellMeNothin

Oh, some of you may be wondering where those other two lbs are coming from …lol…. Well, after I did a show for you all, a nice little strip tease happened… Lol.  No, lol, I unrobed and weighed in again, in my draws my actual weight in clothed in nothing is 372lbs.

Don’t you worry America, I ‘ll be showing you my all of this “Chocolate Superman” soon enough.  :) Lets Go!!!!


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