Day 11..Running on Detox

Steve Prefontaine, was one of America’s greatest athletes. He was a world class runner who ran for the University of Oregon and later for the USA in the Munich Olympics. Pre–as he is intimately known as was my motivation as a runner. He died in 1975 in a car accident. I use to watch all of the meets he was in that I could and when I went on my own personal training runs I would think about how hard he trained and it helped my training. Running is the original sport known to mankind and is an essential aspect of all sports. I ran for most of my life, from 14-38 years of age. Running provided me with an outlet, kept me in shape and provided me with euphoric feeling.

I hurt my knees when I was 38, and had to take some time off. Fourteen years later and at 52 and 238 lbs running wasn’t much of an often. My college running weight was 135 and my adult running weight was 175. Now at 225 after 11 days of Detox I feel lighter and more fluid in my steps. Tonight I was on the treadmill walking and watching my Steve Prefontaine DVD. Tonight I was able to walk 20 minutes on the treadmill (which I have been doing for awhile) and then I ran a full 5 minutes. That felt great. The Detox has allowed me to run again and for that I am much appreciative.




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