Really Excited Doing The Full Body Cleanse

So I have to begin by saying that I’m not one that has ever posted a blog anywhere but I have to.

On Saturday November 1st I received my 20 day cleanse and was excited and skeptical at the same time. My girlfriend thought that it was a waste of money, but that she would still support me trying the cleanse.

Monday November 3rd at 7am I began my cleanse. First couple of days was hard for me because I looooove food. I told myself that I was going to stick with it this time because everyone on The Steve Harvey show talks about it daily.

When I weighed myself on Monday I was at 364lbs, Today is Friday – day 5 of my cleanse and I am at 357lbs, Thats 7lbs gone in a week IN A WEEK!!!

My goal is to get down to 300lbs and I have a feeling that Dherbs, good healthy eating, and exercise will get me there by summer 2015.

Wish me luck and Good Luck to all of you as well!



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