Morning babies,

Once again its me to let you know about this journey of which is now my life. Day 3, and the WEEKEND at that. WHEW!!!! The word for today H-U-N-G-R-Y!!!  Don’t know what it was…today my appetite was that of a ravenous beast. So salad, nuts, fruits, and more salad. Everything else remained normal. I haven’t been going to the potty like I expected, however, I’m thinking about trying a laxative along with this cleanse because I have certainly had some problems in the past where doctors were involved so “Herb” may need a little help removing unwanted items from my being. Other than that, I am looking forward to tomorrow. Oh! my one and only temptation is wanting to step on the scale EVERYDAY, but I don’t want it to discourage me if it hasn’t moved as much as I FEEL it should have. So the best way to avoid the feeling of defeat is to STAY OUT OF THE RING…Thursdays will be my official weigh in day because that’s the day I started. So until tomorrow babies.

Peace & Blessings



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