Genie Atkins: NewLook/Old Me

Determine to win the Battle

Determine to win the Battle

OK… so today is day 9, I think?? Well I can’t lie its been a battle but I am determine to win the war. My new found friend is Whole Foods Smoothies, since I cant eat any cook food I decide to bring smoothies in my life. And I have to say they aren’t all that bad. At this moment I’m only doing the healthy green smoothies which is mostly veggies and water with a hint of fruit. I also found myself walking on my lunch breaks which is a major step for me, I usually sleep in…

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Day 1

Day 1

Taking 5 pills every 2 hours is a lot for me, but I guess I got to do what I got to do to cleanse my body. I kept myself full all day with water/fruit/nuts, the hardest part was watching my son and husband eat pizza in my face. It seems like every time I say I’m on a diet my husband wants to come home with my favorite junk food… He’s such a HATER…Lol.. But I’m going to act like it doesn’t even bother me and chew on some ice…

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Day 2

Day 2

Day 2 wasn’t so bad even though I think I over indulge in eating nuts all day trying to keep myself full. I know I have to do better besides eating nuts to keep full, I also ate a fruit salad. I have to start eating veggies which is going to be hard for me since I only buy frozen vegetables please don’t judge me but yes that’s the honest truth. I’m still lacking energy and I know I need that to start my work out plan. Hopefully tomorrow I can start eating veggies and do a workout….

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The Beginning

The Beginning

Have you ever looked in the mirror and asked yourself how in the hell did you allow yourself to get this big?? Well that’s what I’m dealing with at the moment. Basically all my life until the birth of my son I have always been a slender woman, but not to complain because my son gave me that womanly figure. Now six years later I am looking at myself in the mirror trying to figure out how I gained 30 pounds in one year. My normal weight was 142, now I’m 172 and its not looking good on…

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