I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED!

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 20

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 20

OK, today was another great day, I’m feeling great and I found a new “raw foods” restaurant to try out. I’m going this afternoon. I’m on schedule with my herbs. I made it to the place put in my order and everything was lovely (food wise). There is only one problem; I have gotten use to the detox foods. And I’m a little to scared to go back to my old way of eating. And at the same time I feel it might too hard for me to just eat raw food without the herbs. I’m a little…

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I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 19

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 19

Next to my last day on the detox and all is well. My morning and afternoon went well I’m on schedule with my herbs and I’m eating the proper foods for the detox. I’m in my last week of the detox and now is the time you start feeling like you can do this forever! You start feeling like you don’t want the detox to end. The detox makes you feel so great on the inside you want to prolong that feeling. By the late evening I started to feel real hunger. I haven’t felt this hungry since…

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I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 18

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 18

Thursday, off to a great start first thing this morning I took my first set of herbs on time. It’s a regular work day today so all should go well. OK by the afternoon I’m a little behind with taking the capsules, but not to worry I will catch up! This evening I have to play catch up still a little behind with the capsules. I stayed with the fruits today. (ENERGY IS AMAZING, SKIN IS ALL CLEAR, FEELING GREAT!) Carolyn

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I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 14

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 14

We got lucky, Tyrone and I got invited to an all raw food lunch today, I’m so happy. I should be able to breeze thru this day. I had a banana for breakfast and went to church. They were fixing chicken dinners at church today so I had to leave in a hurry. I was invited to a all raw food lunch at 2:00 pm (can’t wait). Oh boy lunch is here And it is lovely.  We started off with a nice smoothie (bananas and blueberries) Next we had a very interesting soup made out of mangoes, butternut squash, oranges…

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I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 6

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 6

I had to go to a Birthday celebration (you know how this can be, BAD)! You’re sitting around a table with everyone staring at the foods you cannot have (SUCKS). Afterwards I went to a vegan restaurant for lunch but I ordered dinner. I’m getting a little food crazy now. My hunger is coming thru.  I’m still taking my detox capsules. I ordered the sauté chicken with brown rice and salad. Yes, I’m still on the detox. Carolyn

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I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 5

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 5

This morning I’m a little hungry, so I had 2 bananas and a fruit smoothie for breakfast ( UMMM GOOD). I’m taking the capsules on time ( NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS).  It’s the afternoon, and I am craving peanuts. So I mixed a few peanuts in my trail mix. The trail mix held me till dinner. Dinnertime was great , a  salad and a fruit smoothie.   (5 DAYS DOWN 15 TO GO) Carolyn

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I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 3

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 3

I awake on day three and all is well.  I‘m off to another great start this morning. This afternoon, things are not going as well as the previous 2 days. My schedule is off for taking my herbs. I had problems at work. I have to make some unexpected trips back, and forth to and I left my detox pill case at the home. Now, I’m stuck in the streets with no detox capsules and no lunch. (HELP)  I’m behind now for sure. OK, it’s 6 o’clock at night, I ‘m hungry! And I am in El Pollo Loco.  I’m in the wrong place, at…

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I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 2

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 2

Here I am on day two of my detox. This week I am concentrating on fruits, juices, nuts and salads. I eat a lot of fruits, juices and nuts during the day time hours. I will make myself a big salad tonight. I feel great. My day was next to perfect, I stayed on track all day. I took all my capsules on time. I never strayed away from the detox foods. My day flowed flawlessly. I can’t wait for day three. Carolyn

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I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 1

I’m SO TIRED of being TIRED! – Day 1

I  usually start my day at 5:30 each week day. Today will be  my first day of the detox. My daily routine has to be altered since I am starting the detox,  things will be a little different. I haven’t planned out my meals for today so I feel a little unsure of myself, but this is my 5th detox (so I should be a pro by now). I take my first set of herb capsules, and dash off to work. There I made through the day like a breeze. My first day, and I am off without…

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