Not a great day :-(

As I come to the close of day 4, I must say this has been my worse thus far. I experienced several moods today. I was sluggish and weak before noon and easily agitated in the afternoon. This evening, I was happy as could be! Today, I was hungry for real food, especially sweets. While restocking on fruit, there was a display of freshly baked cinnamon rolls on sale. Today I craved for food of my past. I felt low on energy and wanted a quick pick me up!! Then I started to realize why folks complain about eating healthy. There is too much preparation involved, this is true. It is expensive to eat healthy, this is true. My willpower was very low. Today was the first time I was able to recognize the difference between hunger and emotional eating.

So, I allowed myself to experience all these moods and I sit here tonight proud to say I didn’t cheat! I pushed through!! I made it!! Day 4 was yet again another success!



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