Just thought about today being day 8, almost half way there again! I feel terrific.
Got up again at 5 am but just stayed in bed until then having woke up at 4 am. It ‘s now after 7 pm and I still feel alert and good. Will take my 7pm herbs and my charcoal and hit the sack. After being out all day I thought i would feel tired, especially after a early meeting in LA and driving amongst the road rage. But when I returned home I sat down and my mind just kept on going.
It’s very hot today and very windy. It use to be not my best days in this weather. But I feel great. As I sit and look at my 13 yr old son who is a great student and distance runner asleep, I am thinking about detoxing him. Do I have some moments and days of more energy than him? Probably not, but my ego says I do today! I have such a sense of euphoria and clarity. I know I talk about clarity all the time, but it is surely the truth. My head has not been this clear in years and especially on a consistent basis. You are what you eat. Eat dead foods you live that way of life. Eat live foods and you live!
Need to remember that when I am tempted. lol!