New Year New You

Follow Tanya as she completes the Full Body Cleanse and changes her lifestyle.

NYNY Tanya – Day 50

NYNY Tanya – Day 50

So today I felt a little better. My trip is scheduled for tomorrow, I finished the programs for the funeral and all I have to do is pack. I went to work today and at lunch I picked up Veggie Grill for the office. I love being outside. I needed the drive it was great. After work, I went to the trainer who worked my out hard. I have continued to have slight back pain from some of the exercises we do. He tells me to let him know if I am straining but I guess the saying…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 49

NYNY Tanya – Day 49

So today my energy was still down. I met up with my sister to discuss the plan on leaving for NY. We met up at Native Foods in Culver City. It was a great lunch. I’m still not OK but it’s still kinda hard. I guess when I finally get around my mom who has been living in NY for the last 8 months, it might be different. I did not exercise today. I was not in the mood at all. I basically stayed on the couch all the rest of the day and night. I have been…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 48

NYNY Tanya – Day 48

Well today turned out not to be a great day at all. I had friends come in from out of town and we hung out. This afternoon my mother called me to inform me that my grandfather had passed and that I needed to schedule my trip as soon as possible. I felt like crap all day. I did an OK job of faking the funk with my friends who I didn’t tell til later in the evening. I did cheat and had a few glasses of alcohol. Even though I knew that my grandfather was passing. Now…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 47

NYNY Tanya – Day 47

So my sisters made it to work today. One had a hangover (the birthday girl) and the other was tired and went to work late. So I have one day left on my cleanse!!! I am so excited. Can’t wait to have warm foods again. I can see my weight has gone down. My body has slimmed up. It seems after this cleanse my boobs are way smaller than they were before I started lol. I also notice that I can fit my size 14 jeans (as long as they have a bit of stretch to them) with…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 46

NYNY Tanya – Day 46

So I went to a bar. Wait wait wait. I didn’t drink. lol It was my sister’s birthday and we went to the Cork (a whole in the wall bar in Los Angeles). I made it to the gym and did my intervals, took a shower (which I hate at the gym), and ended my night at the bar. As I watched my fam eat nachos, chicken tacos, sliders and fries. I had a salad with vinaigrette dressing and water with lemon. I was the odd ball out as well as the designated driver for the evening. I…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 45

NYNY Tanya – Day 45

I think my brain is messing with me. I think I am thinking too much about the weight loss and being a size 12 that I have not appreciated the ride it took to get this far. I am down to a 14 which is wonderful. I can wear clothes I haven’t fit in years. I can sit down and cross my legs and not have to change positions for a long period of time. I can see the definition of my collarbone that my grandmother use to say was the sexiest part of a woman’s body. So what is…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 44

NYNY Tanya – Day 44

I was soooo tired today. I don’t know why. I got enough sleep the night before and made sure I ate and had a lot of water and fluids. I talked with my mom today and she told me to look for flights for next week. My grandfather has not passed but she said it’s any day now. She has been very vague with me about my grandfather. Probably because she knows it was really hard on me when my father passed. It was kinda unexpected for us. I have been o.k. so far I think and the…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 43

NYNY Tanya – Day 43

I had a ball at the trainers today. Drew is very good at making the hour pass by. He works out with you and he never seems to do the same routine twice. By the end of the hour I want to take a nap in my car. But I am grateful that he is not a drill sergeant nor lazy when it comes to working out. I have a friend have a friend coming over to help me get organized for 2011. Hey I know it’s June and I’m getting a real late start but better now than…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 42

NYNY Tanya – Day 42

I ran my errands today and stopped by the grocery store to get me food for the week. My funds have been in limbo the last few weeks so I haven’t been able to do my extensive shopping as I usually do. While in wholefoods, I wondered if you can’t tell what is genetically modified or not, can you really be eating healthy? I saw a few articles on the effects of GMO’s on pregnant women and their unborn child and how GMO’s also effect the growth of infants and couldn’t help but wonder, how can you really tell GMO…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 41

NYNY Tanya – Day 41

My voice is getting better. I still have congestion in my chest but the mucus isn’t coming out of my eyes anymore. I went to the gym today and got into the sauna to see if I could sweat some of this crap out of me. I think I made a few people mad with the eucalyptus rub I had on my chest lol. It made the whole sauna smell. Oh well. It was good for them too. I wonder why there is not a Raw Ice Cream Parlor in Los Angeles. I think it…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 40

NYNY Tanya – Day 40

So I still am congested. Coughing up god knows what that was in my lungs. My voice has almost completely gone throughout the day. Still have no real appetite and I have been coughing up green mucus towards the end of the day. I still have a weird haze over my eyes as if mucus is still swirling around in them. I hate the scale. It is the devil. I have been busting my butt but the scale still does not show it. My clothes are bigger I can tell I lost inches but the scale…does not give me…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 39

NYNY Tanya – Day 39

O.M.G.! I have mucus coming out of everywhere. This is like the grosses experience ever. I have mucus coming out of my eyes, my nose, in my throat and even have a heavy discharge. I find this experience very taxing. I am scared to go to the trainer because I might have an asthma attack. My chest is sooooo heavy with congestion. Every time I take a deep breath, I end up coughing up a lot of mucus. I’m so ready for this part of my cleansing experience to be over. I mean, mucus out of my eye’s!!! How…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 38

NYNY Tanya – Day 38

I hurt my knee. It’s constantly in pain after I work out. I still  go through with the workout and try to adjust my stances but once it’s over, and I stop moving it stiffens up and gives me sharp pains. It’s the same leg that swells up a lot. I ice it and heat it when I get home and put icy hot on my knee but … to no avail. I really don’t know what to do. I need this weight off me so I can’t stop exercising. I have noticed my legs have gone down….

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NYNY Tanya – Day 37

NYNY Tanya – Day 37

I wish I could have a glass of wine to dull my emotions right about now. I am at a place where I would usually devour a bottle or two or Yellowtail Sharaz (in one sitting) and some comfort foods right about now. My family problems are trying to take my spirit down. I know losing a loved one is a natural thing but it still is hard. I love my grandfather so much that I don’t want to see him go but I know he is ready. I didn’t work out today because I was trying to…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 36

NYNY Tanya – Day 36

Today was good. Eat well, worked out, took time out for myself at work but the day ended in tragedy. lol. Well at the trainer, I hurt my knee. I notice when we do a lot of Plyometrics, Squats and jump rope I get a slight pain in my knee but today, it felt like someone stabbed me in my knee with a metal fork and left it in my leg. No matter what I did, the pain wouldn’t go away. When I got home I iced my knee and heated it every 15 minutes. Felt like high…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 35

NYNY Tanya – Day 35

So I cheated today. I was doing so well. Got up went to the gym, had fresh juice from Bloom. Didn’t eat buttery popcorn at the movies, brought my water and a plum just in case I got hungry and after the movie, after shopping for clothing for a photoshoot with a friend, I had a veggie burrito. It wasn’t that bad but still…I can’t justify it while on my respiratory cleanse. The tortilla, white rice and canned jalapenos were not in the booklet but I didn’t get any chicken. I have to work on not being around people that are not encouraging….

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NYNY Tanya – Day 34

NYNY Tanya – Day 34

I went hiking today with my cousin at Runyon Canyon. It was fun. It is always better when you have a partner with you. You can talk all the way up and down and forget you’re exercising. We talked about her wedding and the challenge her and her soon to be husband are competing in. They are competing on who can lose the most weight before the wedding and she is losing right now. lol. He has a nutritionist and he has been watching what he eats and counting calories. She just started a detox and I can see…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 33

NYNY Tanya – Day 33

So I have been convincing my sister to do a detox. I think she is almost ready. I keep telling her the benefits and now she sees the weight loss I have achieved and she is considering it. She has been doing her research and reading the testimonials on the site and sees it does have health benefits. I would love for my other sister to do one but she’s not into giving up her meat. The women of my family are all bottom heavy or “pear shape” as they call it, and it is harder for us…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 32

NYNY Tanya – Day 32

Hey guys, today was a little hard for me. I woke up and I was a little congested and it continued throughout the day. The raw diet is getting a little hard for me. I do two raw and one vegan meal a day for lunch. I would love to do all vegan it would be easier for me but my ultimate goal is to lose this weight and become healthier. I went to the gym today and did my intervals. It was o.k. I kept coughing up mucus but not enough to  stop me from working out. It…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 31

NYNY Tanya – Day 31

So I woke up this morning and my eyes were crusted shut. I had mucus coming out of my eyes! It was just the second day lol. I was fine other than my eyes. No coughing or anything. I went to the gym again and did my normal routine. I’m getting a little burned out. I want to go swimming but finding a salt water pool in L.A. is kinda hard. I know they had one at the gym I was going to for a week, Sports Club L.A. but it was too expensive for me to get…

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