I was soooo tired today. I don’t know why. I got enough sleep the night before and made sure I ate and had a lot of water and fluids. I talked with my mom today and she told me to look for flights for next week. My grandfather has not passed but she said it’s any day now. She has been very vague with me about my grandfather. Probably because she knows it was really hard on me when my father passed. It was kinda unexpected for us. I have been o.k. so far I think and the distance from here to NY makes it really different.
I took my sleepy butt to the gym and yawned all the way through my routine. I had a lot of personal work to do so I cut it a little short (45 min.) to ensure I would still have enough time to get to bed at a decent time.
Hemp Protein Shake
Kale Chips
Cheezy Kelp Noodles
Hemp Protein Shake
Spinach Salad
Gym (45 min.) 25 min Elliptical 20 min Bike