NYNY Tanya – Day 48

Well today turned out not to be a great day at all. I had friends come in from out of town and we hung out. This afternoon my mother called me to inform me that my grandfather had passed and that I needed to schedule my trip as soon as possible. I felt like crap all day. I did an OK job of faking the funk with my friends who I didn’t tell til later in the evening. I did cheat and had a few glasses of alcohol. Even though I knew that my grandfather was passing. Now that he is gone it seems to be a hole in my thought process. It’s strange it’s like it’s a little painful when I take deep breathes. A pain that wasn’t there before. I know I have no reason to be sad. He lived a long beautiful life and taught me a few things along the way…it still hurts.

Hemp Protein Shake
Omelette with Vegan egg substitute with peppers, onions and vegan cheese

Beet Chips

Not Hungry

Salad with Pico de Gallo
Brown Rice Avocado Rolls
Ceviche Rolls


4 glasses of Scotch

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