Customer Journals

NYNY Tanya – Day 36

NYNY Tanya – Day 36

Today was good. Eat well, worked out, took time out for myself at work but the day ended in tragedy. lol. Well at the trainer, I hurt my knee. I notice when we do a lot of Plyometrics, Squats and jump rope I get a slight pain in my knee but today, it felt like someone stabbed me in my knee with a metal fork and left it in my leg. No matter what I did, the pain wouldn’t go away. When I got home I iced my knee and heated it every 15 minutes. Felt like high…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 35

NYNY Tanya – Day 35

So I cheated today. I was doing so well. Got up went to the gym, had fresh juice from Bloom. Didn’t eat buttery popcorn at the movies, brought my water and a plum just in case I got hungry and after the movie, after shopping for clothing for a photoshoot with a friend, I had a veggie burrito. It wasn’t that bad but still…I can’t justify it while on my respiratory cleanse. The tortilla, white rice and canned jalapenos were not in the booklet but I didn’t get any chicken. I have to work on not being around people that are not encouraging….

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NYNY Tanya – Day 34

NYNY Tanya – Day 34

I went hiking today with my cousin at Runyon Canyon. It was fun. It is always better when you have a partner with you. You can talk all the way up and down and forget you’re exercising. We talked about her wedding and the challenge her and her soon to be husband are competing in. They are competing on who can lose the most weight before the wedding and she is losing right now. lol. He has a nutritionist and he has been watching what he eats and counting calories. She just started a detox and I can see…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 33

NYNY Tanya – Day 33

So I have been convincing my sister to do a detox. I think she is almost ready. I keep telling her the benefits and now she sees the weight loss I have achieved and she is considering it. She has been doing her research and reading the testimonials on the site and sees it does have health benefits. I would love for my other sister to do one but she’s not into giving up her meat. The women of my family are all bottom heavy or “pear shape” as they call it, and it is harder for us…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 32

NYNY Tanya – Day 32

Hey guys, today was a little hard for me. I woke up and I was a little congested and it continued throughout the day. The raw diet is getting a little hard for me. I do two raw and one vegan meal a day for lunch. I would love to do all vegan it would be easier for me but my ultimate goal is to lose this weight and become healthier. I went to the gym today and did my intervals. It was o.k. I kept coughing up mucus but not enough to  stop me from working out. It…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 31

NYNY Tanya – Day 31

So I woke up this morning and my eyes were crusted shut. I had mucus coming out of my eyes! It was just the second day lol. I was fine other than my eyes. No coughing or anything. I went to the gym again and did my normal routine. I’m getting a little burned out. I want to go swimming but finding a salt water pool in L.A. is kinda hard. I know they had one at the gym I was going to for a week, Sports Club L.A. but it was too expensive for me to get…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 30

NYNY Tanya – Day 30

Today I felt great. I had a great morning, work just sailed by. I went to the gym and did my intervals and didn’t have a problem breathing at all. I didn’t have to stop and I didn’t feel like my chest was tight at all. It was a great day! I have been doing this Cellulite Melter juicing recipe from Dan the Liferegenerator and I really think it has made a difference. I’ve seen most of my cellulite diminish in less time than it does when I just do the detox normally. I will post the video so you…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 29

NYNY Tanya – Day 29

I started my second cleanse to day which was the Respiratory Cleanse. It went pretty well today. I didn’t really notice a difference today but I rarely do on the first few days. I went to the trainer today and didn’t really have to much problems breathing. He says I’m doing better than I was when we first started. My skin has been so dry lately that today I drank an extra gallon of water throughout the day because I felt I may be a little dehydrated. I think I am going to invest in…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 28

NYNY Tanya – Day 28

So I went to Wholefoods today to get my food for the week. I learned a lot about picking fruits and vegetables to ensure they are ripe and ready to eat. I loved the guy who helped me. He was wonderful. I was stuck in that section for about an hour trying new fruits and he explained to me the uses for things I would never purchase like cactus and a few other root vegetables. I love new things!! Breakfast:Raw Vegetable & Fruit Juice – Collard, Kale, Chard, Parsley, Celery, Carrot, Beet, Apple, Orange …

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NYNY Tanya – Day 27

NYNY Tanya – Day 27

I did it again! I was cleaning the dryer and I had a mask on and my eyes still swelled up. Sheesh cleaning sucks. I decided to go get something to eat and I went to Bloom Cafe and got a Salmon Bowl. I know it is not on my plan but I just wanted something different. I have gone 27 days without just becoming a wreck and eating crazily so I splurged a little. The rest of the day I did good though back on top of it. I will take some Bowel Movers tonight to move…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 26

NYNY Tanya – Day 26

So my trainer kicked my butt again. I have so much fun in that hour that it flies by. I love the fact we don’t do the same routine twice. He is always positive and never makes me feel like I suck. I know at times I am uncoordinated and can’t do some things correctly but he always has positive advice on how to correct myself. We do a lot of stuff that I could do at home so I am going to start on my weekends trying to do some of the exercises we preform. This is a great…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 25

NYNY Tanya – Day 25

I talked with my friend today that is a Bodybuilder in Canada. She gave me some great ideas to help me drop some pounds. She mentioned broccoli, sweet potatoes (juiced while cleansing) and a few other things will help aid me in my journey. I will look at the links she sent me and let you know if any of the suggestions can be done on the cleanse. Breakfast:32oz Freshly Squeezed Orange JuiceCashews Snack:Sunflower Seeds, Cashews Lunch: Native Foods – Broccoli Curry Crunch Salad Dinner:Raw Goat…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 24

NYNY Tanya – Day 24

Great day today. Woke up refreshed and happy. I had Cereal for breakfast and had a great and productive day at work. I went to the trainer after work and had a great workout. Only problem we ran into is figuring out why I am retaining so much water. I was 3 pounds down from the last time he weighed me. This fluctuation thing is a damper on your will power. The one thing I wish I had help with is these dark circles around my eyes. I’ve had them since I was a child….

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NYNY Tanya – Day 23

NYNY Tanya – Day 23

So my new favorite dish is CHEEZY KELP NOODLES from Planet Raw. They are sooooo delicious. Cheese made from nuts is the most ingenious thing I have ever heard. I was always a cheese freak growing up. I would eat it on everything melted, grated or just cut a block off and eat it just like that. No wonder I had high cholesterol and blood pressure as a child. So eating cheese made from nuts that is seasoned to give the flavors of cheese is the best. I could eat this and get enough protein for my daily…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 22

NYNY Tanya – Day 22

Hey y’all. I had warm food today. It was wonderful. I went to Native Foods for lunch and got their Soul Bowl. It was just what I needed. lol I wanted some warm food and drove far for lunch to get something healthy within the means of the vegan diet. I’m going to try not to do any soy, seitan, or tofu while off. I know soy products aren’t good as a everyday food so I will just stick to steamed veggies and Quinoa and couscous. I didn’t do a lot today. Went to the trainer, worked out…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 21

NYNY Tanya – Day 21

Yeah! My face no longer looks like I’m diseased! My voice is still gone but my throat isn’t as sore. I gave up on cleaning. I guess I will have to hire a maid once a month to do dusting and vacuuming. I don’t want this problem every time I need to do a thorough cleaning of my home. Didn’t do too much today. Went to the gym saw a few friends there and I came home. They were going to get some food after but there is no need for me to go to Roscoe’s. I can’t…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 20

NYNY Tanya – Day 20

Today is the last day of the first cleanse. I made it!!! lol. I decided to clean up my home today, I dusted, swept, mopped, washed my clothes and dishes. So of course while cleansing my house I had an allergic reaction. I had a mask on while cleaning and it didn’t seem to help. I am allergic to dust and some forms of mold. My eyes are puffy, my throat is sore and swollen and I cant breath well. Only shallow breathing. Wasn’t really hungry all day. I mostly went to sleep on and off throughout the…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 19

NYNY Tanya – Day 19

Yeah it’s Friday! Today went by fast. I had a lot of work to do and I completed almost all of it. I wasn’t foggy all day which to me was great. But…I was sore as hell from all the workouts this week and walking up and down the stairs at work really was painful lol. That good pain. :) I worked out at the gym again today. Monday I’m back with my trainer and we will see if I have any progress this week with losing at least a pound. I don’t have really…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 18

NYNY Tanya – Day 18

So today went by well. I ate frequently, made sure I had plenty of water throughout the day and went to the 6 a.m. definitions and ab classes at the gym. There was a different trainer today and he was something fierce. Everything was sore on me. I didn’t have any energy after leaving those classes so I walked to Jamba Juice to get me an Orange juice. It was the best thing in the world at that time. lol. I felt drained by early afternoon. I ate a big salad and snacked on seeds…

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NYNY Tanya – Day 17

NYNY Tanya – Day 17

So did a lot of soul searching today…I’m cool now. My day was pretty good. People keep telling me I’m getting smaller but I don’t see it. I stand in the mirror naked like most people do and try the side view…still looks the same to me, then I try the front view…the same to me. I even try the other side jut to make sure I wasn’t wrong the first time…nope still the same. Maybe I need a new mirror lol. I remember when my friend was opening a clothing boutique she shopped at a few stores…

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