Customer Journals

Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 12

Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 12

Yesterday was fun and informative! There were so many ways to learn and it was full of people who eat like me! I bought natural products and had a great smoothie, like I have never had before! I am still on my plan and feeling great! Later we are going out to dinner again and that so far is okay. Don’t need to keep tempting myself though. I have my menu plan in my head and that is helpful. Also my family encouragement and disbelief are encouraging too. It has been very warm out here…

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Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 11

Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 11

Day 11 is here! Yesterday I did not do anything that would hinder my success. When we went out to eat I had a huge salad. The waiter couldn’t believe that was all that I wanted and kept on asking me if I wanted anything else. My family was impressed, but I am so much into the routine of things that it really did not bother me. I walked up and down the stairs at the hotel and used that as my exercise. We are leaving pretty early for the festival and I really look forward to the…

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Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 10

Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 10

Today I will be traveling to the raw food festival. I have done my training and will leave this early afternoon. A bit scary because we will be staying at a hotel for 3 days and those are the times when I really like to eat whatever I want. Old behavior patterns and such start to kick in. On the other hand I will get a chance to see what I can do for myself. I have not packed anything but my herbs and will buy water when I get there. This will surely be a test.

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Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 9

Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 9

Almost half way through the detox. I will have my blood work results in a week. My blood pressure and my weight are really doing fantastic. My blood pressure in 116/78 and I have lost another 5 pounds since last week. My trainer encourages me not to get into the weighing game. That is what I needed to hear and have to remind my self of it especially since I train so hard. I am looking for huge results in the weight department. I really do feel healthy and stronger.

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Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 7

Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 7

Wow doing the beach steps and walking to and from the sand after a work out is a true challenge.  Just walking to the sand point where I exercise is a challenge.  I am even running!  Something I said I would not do and felt could not do…  but I am! The herbal detox is making challenges that I had seem so much more attainable.  I don’t feel sore and don’t feel like giving up.  Just do it is my mental motto. I am really looking forward to how I will feel when the detox…

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Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 6

Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 6

My day off from training is Sundays.  I usually want to do something and I take a walk near my house.  I seem to do more cooking without a problem for my family.  It is nice to feel that 5-6 days a week I really give exercise all that I have and it is working.  Feel a bit excited to be going to the raw food festival in Santa Barbara and to see what vegans are eating and talking about for 3 days.  Will leave this coming week for the festival.  Just going to relax and do my quiet…

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Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 5

Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 5

Five days of working out and I still need to figure out how I do it everyday without the painful aftermath. Oh, well… just be thankful and learn to take blessings as they come. Today I walked a long uphill battle. Walking from Robertson in Beverlywood to Westside Pavillion. I never knew there were so many hills in the area. How beautiful to walk on an early morning and see such beauty and surroundings. Sometimes I would be a bit slow and tired and right at that time it seems that I would be ready…

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Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 4

Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 4

Working out daily is tough! I have my food plan going well and with the personal trainer as my guru, I am really learning how much I can do. One thing that is very noticeable to me is that my body seems to recover so well. I have not felt sore or achy. I seem to be able to do what is expected of me and more. I thought that the food would be a huge part of my training, meaning that I would need to really eat a lot more. But more than anything…

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Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 3

Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 3

I am getting up earlier and earlier. I have always been an early riser but the feeling of health and wellness is so strong. I don’t drag out of bed and I get up and start preparing my foods and meals for my family without a problem. I weighed myself today and I have rid my self of another 5 pounds since Friday. All because I want to be healthy. My body releases well and I drink at least a gallon of water a day. I don’t have to constantly use the bathroom because my…

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Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 2

Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 2

Day 2 What a great workout! I did 800 stairs at Drake Stadium and still kept my workout time to an hour! I feel so grateful and not as tired as I expected. I have my smoothie in the morning and go directly to my workout. After my workout, I have a bottle of water and take my 2nd herbs. Then it is my time for work and organizing my life. I’m not sure what happened to my weight, but I didn’t lose anything this weekend. A bit uncomfortable, but I feel…

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Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 1

Mona’s Quest Continues – Day 1

Today, was such an exciting day! I now have a personal trainer to work me out 6 days a week. My mind loves it my body… is rebelling. I started out so well and did not do as bad as I thought I would. I did the Santa Monica stairs one whole time!!! Believe me, before just going dooooown the stairs was an issue! Having made it back up, as my tongue licked the pavement, I surely walked the distance to a new city! lol! By the time I did get back…

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Mona’s Quest to lose 70 pounds – Day 20

Mona’s Quest to lose 70 pounds – Day 20

Yahoooo! Day 20 and still going strong!  Who would have believed it 2-3 months ago, I could take on really loving my self and trusting the process for my health and spirit.  What an accomplishment and  all due to people who believe in me.  They jump started something I had inside and inspired me to take life on for me.  To not only look at myself, but to those who may cross my path in their own health challenges and life situations. I am in full speed and going on to living…

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Mona’s Quest to lose 70 pounds – Day 19

Mona’s Quest to lose 70 pounds – Day 19

Today we went to church and I packed my breakfast and lunch to take care of myself and even my family. No need to deal with wanting to eat and not having the right food. It is truly incredible to have gone so far into my health plan. I can hardly believe that it has been over 40 days doing the detox. I feel fabulous, and look forward to taking care of myself more and more each day. I still have that hair on my chin and now I have been drinking…

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Mona’s Quest to lose 70 pounds – Day 18

Mona’s Quest to lose 70 pounds – Day 18

Today my husband and I went to the movies. I must say some old habits try to call me in. The popcorn smelled good and stale, and I just loved the habit of having it at the movies. But my health and sanity prevailed. I did get through the rough moments and enjoyed the show after he stopped smacking and acting so pleased with that junk! Being in the mall, was a bit challenging too. All the candy stores and small eateries were jumping alive with smells and joy! But, then I still have to…

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Mona’s Quest to lose 70 pounds – Day 17

Mona’s Quest to lose 70 pounds – Day 17

Today is Friday and I got up with a mission on my mind. The day has been planned out and I am up and running. I received some discouraging news, but I seem to handle things much differently. More calm and ease, even though I am not comfortable with the news, I am not engaging in the behavior I used to. I notice also the ease in which my body recovers when I exercise and do something new. No sore muscles and no pain for any length of time. I know that is the herbs….

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Mona’s Quest to lose 70 pounds – Day 16

Mona’s Quest to lose 70 pounds – Day 16

Days are flying by and I seem to have a new interest in exercising.  Moving so much faster and so much easier.  I have thought about taking on my treadmill again today and look forward to making my hour on the beast a true up hill walk. Are the days getting shorter or am I so busy with ‘stuff’ time management is a problem.  I feel so much more even and not so emotionally up and down with the food thing.  I have noticed that now, it is truly a way of being for me. …

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Mona’s Quest to lose 70 pounds – Day 14

Mona’s Quest to lose 70 pounds – Day 14

Well, girl today is a new day. I have to take care of myself and plan my day. This has taken my joy and deflated my spirit. Too ashamed to write it out to see it on paper what I have done. But this i know is not good. You are only as sick as your secrets. I called my son and told him. Man, that was the best thing I could have done. He told me how wonderful I looked and how my health is shining. I know for me, that poor health is…

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Mona’s Quest to lose 70 pounds – Day 13

Mona’s Quest to lose 70 pounds – Day 13

I have had gas, runny stools, and total discomfort early this morning. Belching like a man, and it had a terrible odor! What was I thinking? I feel awful. Not worth it all. I have had such a toxic headache from last night. Well, I am telling myself to get back on board and do what is best for me. My mind and mouth feel awful. And I want to reverse the food choices I made yesterday. But I have to get on track. I know how great I felt and this isn’t it. …

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Mona’s Quest to lose 70 pounds – Day 12

Mona’s Quest to lose 70 pounds – Day 12

Mother’s Day today, What a great celebration. But I did have some slips! Yes, I loved my beans, both red and black with my brown rice. Salads with avocados were delicious. And then came the potato salad! Remember the carb lady?! lol! Well, she struck and I fell into her lap. Isn’t it funny how we eat things when we don’t even want them just because they are there. And, it seems that once you get that taste you almost give up and go full force, head on into an eating binge. What in the…

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