Customer Journals



Morning babies…me again…Day 2.  First things first, I am not planning on weighing myself everyday but today i couldn’t help it 227.6 down by 2 pounds!!  OK, now that that’s out of the way, let me start by saying this, I never thought I was a bad eater. I do the fruits and veggies, and an occasional Almond Joy, you know to kick start myself. However, I guess I wasn’t being completely honest with myself. I thought I would have the first two or three days of this detox licked. You know, no side effects…

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Jacked Up at Jack In The Box: The Importance of Food Prep

Jacked Up at Jack In The Box: The Importance of Food Prep

Well I’mma gone say it! This thing is no walk in the park! Making the decision to LIVE is much easier said than Done. I love the journey I’m on with, its not always so easy though. Why? Because I like food!!! Lol. Let me tell you. A lifestyle change is something else. Yes, I I know there is plenty of Raw Food restaurants and recipe’s but who has time for that? The other night, {thank God for mama’s} I found myself already at a breaking point. In the damn line…

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OK babies…. here we go STAT time: Height: 5’6 Weight: 229.6 Neck: 15 Arms: Right/14    Left/13.5 Breast: 43 Waist: 43 Thighs: Right/32   Left/31 Hips: 49.5 :-/ here we go SISTAHS…. Good morning babies… Day 1 well really the morning of Day 2  I figured if I post after the fact I would be sure to include everything. I received my fitbit I call her Bernice the same day…

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Hi everyone, I’m GiGi, AKA Sistah Big-Bones, meaning a Sister Inspiring Sisters To Achieve Health. Big Bones because that’s the excuse I always told myself when the weight wouldn’t come off as quickly as I wanted it to or came back sooner than expected…you know the one…”Child I ain’t big, I’m just Big Boned”. While I know I am not meant to be a size 2, and truly I have no desire to be (nothing against size two’s…I just enjoy my curves), I also know I am not meant to be 229.2 lbs and counting…ohhhh did I say that out…

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Dream, Thrive, LIVE; The Dherbs Battlefield

Dream, Thrive, LIVE; The Dherbs Battlefield

In 2014 I played my first Sold Out Solo show, I lost my home, went bankrupt, got dropped from my label, was diagnosed with a heart disease, was hospitalized and told that I had to be monitored daily so my heart wouldn’t stop working and with Alllll that, I also STOOD UP ALL OVER AGAIN! Life is not a particular position of success, what it is however, is the commitment to Personal Journey and Triumph. There’s nothing like “deciding” to Live. It’s been some kind of year for me…but we’ll get into that some other…

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Really Excited Doing The Full Body Cleanse

Really Excited Doing The Full Body Cleanse

So I have to begin by saying that I’m not one that has ever posted a blog anywhere but I have to. On Saturday November 1st I received my 20 day cleanse and was excited and skeptical at the same time. My girlfriend thought that it was a waste of money, but that she would still support me trying the cleanse. Monday November 3rd at 7am I began my cleanse. First couple of days was hard for me because I looooove food. I told myself that I was going to stick with…

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I’m a stripper!!

I’m a stripper!!

I have completed my 20 day Full Body Cleanse with no cheats and no sugary treats!! I’m officially a stripper. That’s right!! I have stripped down 15 lbs., I have stripped the toxins from my body, I have stripped emotional eating from my meal plan, I have stripped the abuse of Dr. Pepper, I have stripped my running shoes from my closet & I have stripped junk food from my pantry! Now, my husband can officially say Hes in love with a Stripper!!  This has been one of the greatest life changing experiences for me….

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Official Day 2

Official Day 2

Today was a little tuff for me… I was a little weak this morning but I pushed through. I am not hungry I think its more of a mental thing. Our mind tell us that we are hungry even though we are not. Its 15:35 est time and its almost time to take my last set of pills. Oh yeah, OMG went to the restroom every 30 minutes so this process IS doing something. Until tomorrow, see you later.

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Official Day 1

Official Day 1

My first day went very well. Eating healthy is very pricy! Whole Foods is my place of choice because its organic heaven. Organic cashews are the best snack you can buy at this place. I am not a tea drinker but I am learning very quickly. I stayed on schedule today with the capsules. I’m not a person who like to take pills, I put all of them in my mouth and swallow with lots and lots of water.  The last step for me is the charcoal water wow I hope this is go well I will act like…

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T-minus ONE 1 day!

T-minus ONE 1 day!

Good morning, good morning, GOOD MORNING!  Over the weekend I cleaned my fridge, went to Berkeley Bowl for bulk and dried produce. Once home, I washed everything in a baking soda & water solution and began to prepare my world for an awesome change! I took photos of my efforts and they honestly are putting a huge grin on my face just knowing that I’m setting myself up for success! This morning when I arrived at work, it took me nearly 40 minutes to get my fruits and veggies put away and I made a…

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Fried Chicken Please…

Fried Chicken Please…

It is day 13 for me, and I am craving Popeyes Fried Chicken. Why does this bother me, because I didn’t eat Popeyes prior to starting Dherbs? Well the answer is obvious, my taste buds are obviously going through PMS, LOL!!! Feeling weak and craving foods Ive never liked before, I decided to blog about my cravings. This allows me to hold myself accountable to my 20 day dedication. I open home page and there it was – God!!!! Well maybe it was not God himself, but it was definitely a sign. Staring me in my face…

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Taking The First Step

Taking The First Step

Today I took the first step to a better me! After hearing about Dherbs on Steve Harvey ALL YEAR and after failed efforts with Weight Watchers and Herbalife I decided whats another $120.00! So with that, I placed my order, and will use today to get my mind and my kitchen in order for 20 days of rawness! I’m pretty excited and nervous at the same time. This blog will be my saving grace. Thank you DHerbs for making this a safe place!

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Day 1

Day 1

Today I decided to change my life for the good. I researched and researched and read all of the good reviews and the bad before I decided. I ordered the 10 day cleanse first because I wasn’t sure if I would be able to hang in there, but I think I will be okay with all the support that the blog offer I think I will be OK. I measured today and I will add my sizes in just a few mins. I ordered today so, I am thinking my kit will come by next Tuesday or Wednesday…

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Close of Day 7

Close of Day 7

Oh My Goodness!!! I am closing out day 7 with 10lbs down!!!! I feel amazing. I am full of energy, I cleaned and reorganized my ENTIRE dressing room this past weekend which took nearly 10 hours!! My husband grilled pork chops and burgers Friday evening for him and the kids & I did not fall victim! I am so very proud of myself. I have promoted the Full Body Cleanse to everyone who has noticed a difference in my lifestyle change! I went in to see my stylist today and she and I both noticed the growth in…

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Not a great day :-(

Not a great day :-(

As I come to the close of day 4, I must say this has been my worse thus far. I experienced several moods today. I was sluggish and weak before noon and easily agitated in the afternoon. This evening, I was happy as could be! Today, I was hungry for real food, especially sweets. While restocking on fruit, there was a display of freshly baked cinnamon rolls on sale. Today I craved for food of my past. I felt low on energy and wanted a quick pick me up!! Then I started to realize why folks complain about…

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I’m falling in love with someone…

I’m falling in love with someone…

Here I am, coming to the close of day 3. I am doing THIS and there ain’t no 1/2 steppin! I mean, I am following the rules, I am on time with my capsules, I am on a raw food regimen and I am not cheating!! Each day I find something new about myself. I woke up angry this morning after finding out my son packed some of my fruit to take to school with him. It was then, I sat on the side of my bed, closed my eyes, took a few deep breaths, centered my energy and released…

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Morning of Day 3

Morning of Day 3

It’s the morning of day 3 and I must say that I am pleasantly surprised at my dedication to the Dherbs program. I stepped on the scale to find I am 7lbs DOWN! This is the encouragement I needed to continue on this journey. God has given me the amazing strength to bypass my biggest weaknesses, SUGAR & CARBS! I have not endured any real hunger as I am able to eat as many fruit and veggies as desired. I have NEVER eaten tomatoes, since vegetables were never on my A list! Ive found them easy to eat…

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