Rick Crump: My Saviour…in a Box

My Life Saver Came in a Box

My Life Saver Came in a Box

I ordered the Full Body Cleanse after hearing about it last week on the Steve Harvey Morning Show Mix 92.3fm Detroit. My order arrived Friday, 17Apr; I started the next day. I weighed 178 that Friday, and after one week I had lost 10 pounds. Today–halfway through the cleanse, I’m down 13 pounds.   Hunger?  No.  Cravings? No.  Headaches?  No.  Fatigue?  Some.  Leaner?  Yes!  Lighter?  Absolutely!  Most importantly–if we can talk like grown folk, my usual by 9am bowel movement has increased to at least two per day, AND its seemingly odorless…

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