Day One

So last night I really couldn’t get any sleep because of all the anticipation of starting this cleanse. I am excited, scared, anxious and a list of other feelings that I am going through right now about this journey. I started my day with a smoothie, which tasted pretty good. I took the first set of pills and drank the distilled water, which tastes horrible. I packed my lunch and snacks, which were orange slices and carrot sticks. I made a homemade dressing for my salad that consisted of EVO (extra virgin olive oil) and lemon juice with some spices. It tasted OK, but it’s something I have to get used to. Hope all goes well with the first day of my cleanse. I hope I can get some feedback from you guys about how your cleanses went and what are some good and bad things to expect while on this journey. My current weight is 344 pounds. Let’s Get It!



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