Tammy Kealiher: Mom Bootcamp

Getting over the hump

Getting over the hump

Do you know what food freedom is? Can you drive to town without stopping at a Drive Thru? Guess what, I never thought I would experience the joys of food freedom. But with the 20 day full body cleanse, it is helped me to stop running towards my comfort foods. We as moms get stuck in a rut, doing play dates that end with ice cream and burgers…but really, its not good for our kids or our bodies. The child obesity rate is SO high nowadays. Food is on every corner and we can access it so easily….

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Day 17 of Full body Cleanse

Day 17 of Full body Cleanse

Today my husband and I are on day 17 of 20. This journey has been incredible as I would never have gotten this far with my health without Dherbs. I am 36 and my hubby is 38, we have 8 children and I had a stroke in 2018 at the age of 33. I was about 180# at the time and felt fine with my body, since I was a mom. But I was told to lose the weight to be out of the danger of health issues. So, here I am at my 3 year stroke anniversary…

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