Dherbs May 2013 Newsletter & Discounts

MAY 2013


The Bowel Movement


Constipation, diarrhea and piles are all familiar to us. We have become aware of their presence because most people suffer from some, but in many cases, all three, as the peripheral effects are headache, backache, cramping and poor sleeping habits. It is such a universal problem, as far back as I remember, I knew of both my grandmothers' constipation. It seems to be in everybody's memory, a pervasive problem for sure. I feel that we need to thoroughly examine why the majority are constipated.
Relieving the constipation seems to me to be only half the remedy. There must be a logical reason for constipation. Unless this reason is eliminated, the stress of constipation would slowly wear the person down to complete exhaustion and death. That's the reason why we must look closely at this, because the cause of this problem is much more important than continually relieving the constipation.
Fortunes are being made from our ignorance, as we go about lowering our cholesterol and blood pressure, loosening our decayed joints, dealing with our failing teeth...this is obscenely criminal. The true task of the future doctors is to understand and teach people how to prevent disease, how to eat, and totally take care of themselves. This will serve society in a more beneficial way than formulating expensive medicine to treat a problem that can be healed and certainly prevented.
Presently, this is how we are treating constipation --- spending fortunes to force out this awful stinky mass in our intestines. Those who have a movement each day stands tall and proud, "like clockwork," I am told many times, "every morning as soon as I have my coffee" and everyone, including the doctor says "good!" but I think we need to take a closer look.
Having been constipated myself for many years and suffering the same peripheral misery ---headaches, backaches etc, Herbert Macgolfin Shelton, N.D. (naturopath) taught me the truth about this universal problem. Thanks to this wonderful man, I healed myself and helped many others heal themselves. I was given the opportunity to observe many reversing their condition.
We know that a meat-based diet is very constipating. But what we have not yet known is that eating three times a day and moving your bowel one time per day is constipation and the far-reaching effects of this go to the grave with us. Let me begin by explaining the negative effects of eating three times a day and moving our bowel once.

Spinach Mushroom Risotto with Sundried Tomatoes

The classic combination of mushrooms and spinach is always a winner. This is a great Mediterranean meal that is quick and easy to make.

Thyroid Tonic


When we lack minerals and nutrients, the thyroid has trouble making its hormones. The radish in this recipe has an element called raphanin in it that balances thyroid hormones. Raphanin is what you might call an adaptogen, meaning that it will bring your thyroid into balance whether it is under- or over-active.

Food Fact & Trivia


Is it even lemonade??
There is more real lemon juice in Lemon Pledge furniture polish than in Country Time Lemonade.

Health Tip


Radish & The Respiratory System
Radish helps to relieve congestion within the respiratory system, making it an excellent food for asthmatics and those who suffer from bronchial infections and sinus problems. This root vegetable can be enjoyed either raw as well as in juice form. It makes an excellent addition to salad dishes.






As a Nationally Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Health Coach, and BodyMind Nutritionist, Gary Gibson has been in the fitness, nutrition, and health industry for half a decade. Gary Gibson is also a former professional soccer player and former top weight loss consultant for one of the world’s largest weight management companies.

So click here and ask away!!!





The Amazing Clarks have a non-traditional approach to love & dating that resonates with the relationship lifestyle that today’s couples and singles desire. They are incredibly entertaining, open minded, and non-judgemental. Their groundbreaking philosophies are the perfect balance of science, spirituality, and real life experience while introducing you to new & better ways to love & date.


             So click here and ask away!!!






Fertility Cleanse


Dherbs.com offers you a wholistic approach to maintain, boost, and enhance fertility and to counteract fertility deficiency. Fertility itself can be enhanced with positive thinking, modified and improved diet and lifestyle; positive daily affirmations; crystal therapy, aromatherapy; female-friendly exercises; and herbs which we supply you with. 














Bunny Rabbit




Moringa Formula






10 Day Candida Cleanse




Also on Sale...

Brain Booster

Anti-Viral Formula




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“You can either hold yourself up to the unrealistic standards of others, or ignore them and concentrate on being happy with yourself as you are.”
            Jeph Jacques


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