It's Men's Health Month! - June 2016 Newsletter



June 2016
Is Your Health Affecting Your Libido? 
Guys like to spend hours in the gym sculpting their physiques. While a healthy waistline is important for improved performance, a lot of men don’t realize that their diet can directly affect their libidos. Unhealthy lifestyle habits, or underlying health conditions caused by poor dietary choices, can impair performance. There are easy lifestyle changes you can make to help maintain healthy bedroom relations. 
The way you think about food and intimacy are essentially the same. You gain pleasure from both. This may be truer for more women than men. Additionally, there are foods that can enhance or impair performance. Some foods have the ability to reduce testosterone, decrease libido, or alter sperm production. The good news is that there are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and spices that can increase your libido and testosterone levels. 
While there are multiple herbal supplements that can enhance libido, performance, or testosterone levels, they do not cure underlying factors. Establishing a healthy lifestyle is always the first step. 
Lose It So You Can Use It: 
Smoking: Smoking increases your risk of developing a plethora of health problems; heart disease, lung cancer, erectile dysfunction, or lowered sperm count being primary conditions. It’s ideal to quit smoking in order to decrease your risk of developing reproductive conditions. Not to mention, smoking can be unattractive and a major turn-off to your partner. 
Alcohol: Although alcohol is considered to be a social lubricant, it can inhibit performance. It may be more difficult to get and keep an erection, and orgasms can be delayed. Alcohol can also reduce the quantity and quality of a man’s sperm because it inhibits the body from absorbing zinc, which is an important mineral in the outer layer of a sperm cell. It’s best to steer clear of those happy hours to have an improved libido and healthier sperm. 
Junk Foods & Processed Foods: Both junk foods and processed foods can be detrimental to your health. These foods are often loaded with trans fats, high in cholesterol, have too much salt, or have hydrogenated fats and oils. If your diet includes junk foods or processed foods, you are at risk of having high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, or becoming obese. A lot of these foods can decrease your libido or cause abnormal sperm production. They also can affect your circulatory system and reduce blood flow, which can impair performance down there. 

Grilled Eggplant Recipe for Summer

This recipe is just in time for the beginning of summer. Get your grill out and get those char marks on the eggplant. 
Rosemary Watermelon Juice (Share the Love)
Watermelon is the perfect summer fruit that helps keep you hydrated. And you get the antibacterial and anti-aging benefits of rosemary too!
The Surprising Benefits of Stone Fruit
You know that summer is here when stone fruit (peaches, nectarines, plums, and apricots) are in the grocery stores. Stone fruit are rich in vitamin C, an important antioxidant that helps to boost your immune system. Vitamin C plays a major role in collagen production, so you can have healthy skin for the longer, sunnier summer days. Additionally, stone fruits promote healthy digestion because of their high fiber content, and the vitamin K content strengthens your bones and teeth. 
B Vitamin Complex
This formula can help with energy, mood, memory, and immune response. Each B vitamin assists different bodily functions and processes. B vitamins help in the healthy function of muscles, nerves, the heart, nervous and digestive systems, the immune system, and cell production.
Mushroom Combo
Tropical Formula




The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively. 

- Bob Marley

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