Sometimes your body needs to be cleansed of all the toxins and waste. Whether you have absorbed these impurities via food, environmental pollution, or beauty products, cleansing them from your body can help your bodily systems function at their best. While we recommend cleansing between 2-4 times a year, there are foods you can eat to always keep your body clean. The herbs in the various cleanses we sell have an easier time cleansing your organs and systems when you are eating fresh fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts and seeds. The herbs aren’t as effective if you are eating processed foods, meat, meat products, refined sugars, dairy products, cooked foods, eggs, grains, or junk foods. If you want a healthier digestive system, a better functioning metabolism, and lower cholesterol levels, there are foods that can naturally do those things. These foods regularly flush toxins from your system, and you don’t even have to take part in a cleanse every month. You can heal your body with food! All you have to do is... |